

Administrator Emeritus
Mar 6, 2005
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/RMh4eeh79bs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Go fullscreen, crank it up.
The thread title has a different meaning in English English.

Who's this supposed to reach out to? Do they want money or "awareness"
Butch! Did you bail on your own thread dude? What's up! Mick just asked you a question. And come to think of It: I'd like to know why a man who believes that humans are just a virus on this rock would really give a rip. What if that blessed/cursed (depending on your point of view) comet is just paving the way for more old growth?

Good song... I'll give you that... I actually did crank it up on My daughter's Sony speakers cause they were at the market, and I had just drunk a bunch of Tequila. Pretty cool vid. Weird how one almost WANTS the end world isn't it? Difference is: I want Jesus and God the Father in all of his Richard Dawkins villanized wrath, and you just want some stupid rock to plow us all under.
Taking of Pelham 123, circa 1974?? Great movie!
If it is still to be found, " Lucifer's hammer" by larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle is a great fictiuonal read about that scenario.
I just think it would be a bummer.

The folks that produced the video seem to think that it is within the realm of possibility to prevent the outcome depicted in the video, if the will can be summoned to make it a priority.

What this video depicts is also the reason in all of the science fiction novels for people travelling to other worlds. To avoid having all of mankind's eggs in one basket. It is a really daunting task, however.

Seems that we would be fooked if hit with an asteroid. Meanwhile, we have the threat of nuclear war and terrorism, world hunger, slavery, etc, to deal with, here and now.
The next time we get hit with a big asteroid, we join the dinosaurs. Until we have the technology to stop one or travel to other inhabitable planets, I say we focus on surviving our self induced destruction, nukes, pollution, etc. (mankind's evils)
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