Break-Test Video

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You know, food for thought, Ive often preferred to rig above my tie in. Its limited my tie in on more then 1 occasion but I figured if I tore out my rigging point, atleast I wasn't tied above it and coming down with the whole mess. Often though, in hardwoods, I rig and tie on in different stems, if I can.
Same here on TIP and rigging points. I have busted two I can remember, one the limb went thru a shelter roof (ours so I guess that is OK:?) and the other the limb (about a 4 inch oak) I was planning to lower got hung on another limb. I was able to fly over and use my lanyard tail rope (long lanyard comes in handy sometimes) to hold it until groundie sent up another lowering line.

First incident was my error in judgement...I overloaded the rigging point.

Second was a rigging point that looked fine from a distance. I had set it from the ground and was using it to swing cut limbs from over the house to below it...rig point was outside gutterline of house. When I climbed up later to see what happened I found the limb was weak/diseased on the top side, couldn't be seen from the bottom when I set it. As a healthy limb it would have been fine. Unseeable defects are a whole other story (that niggles in my mind sometimes when setting TIP's).
Most hardwoods we rig have multiple rig points, not always but most, mainly to redirect the wood over a good LZ.