Bit Torrent

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  • #26
Bit Torrent seemed to be the only place to be able to download entire album collections.

Anyone have a better way to do it?
I don't wish to acquire a lot of music so it's not a big deal to simply buy a CD if I really want it. I've spent less on music in my lifetime than most spend in a year. My purchase of 3 CDs today will double my current collection.
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  • #28
I think some people go overboard with music, make it their lives. I have bought lots of LPs and tapes and CDs. but now I want to put it all on mp3 because I just got an ipod.
Bugs me that I have to buy it all over again.
I have bought one CD in the last, uhm, probably 8 years. Off of Ebay. if I hear a radio played song I like, I download it, free, somehow, somewhere. burn it or throw it on a memory card and listen to it till I am bored, then it gets deleted and followed up by the next thing.
I still use WinMx from time to time. Good for music usually. Just have to be more patient than with using Torrents. Torrents are fast. Down side is they establish so many connections is messes with my router.
lets have a race, name a reasonably current movie or song and lets see who gets it done first. :D
it is a RAM hog though, I give you that much. If I have multiple DL's going the computer is noticeably slower and piggish.
I think Rob has over 4 gig of Ram on his puter we built and it rocks steady... Mine is older that I built for me.. I refused to run torrents as they have always locked up the network here. Katy and Rob both use them and I get tired of having to reboot the whole system while Rob keeps saying "I don't know why it does that......"
I'll be watching streaming or a stored movie and wham.. nuttin...
trying to be in here, research shat or entering data from the business... Wham!
Gets old so I just don't go there. It is a very aggressive program.
I think some people go overboard with music, make it their lives. I have bought lots of LPs and tapes and CDs. but now I want to put it all on mp3 because I just got an ipod.
Bugs me that I have to buy it all over again.

You not have to buy then if there on a CD. Just import then into iTunes.

And i don't down load a lot of music just tv shows.
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  • #40
got no way to do the tapes and lps. Did the cds
You can with the mic input jack (use mimi jack to RCA) and some soft ware. a friend of my has software and did some importing for me. I don't know what it was called but its was like $50.00
I have gold wave and it works fine for free. If you need it I can send you the program. It records in wave and then you convert it to MP3 with Dbamp Coverter...
ok, set bit torrent loose on Marley and Me, Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Paul Blart, Mall Cop. betcha they are all done by mornin.

edit: ok, added Twilight and Seven pounds.... :D

g'night y'all! :)