Barium x-ray


Aug 16, 2008
The town that I reside in, is offering inexpensive health checks. I already did the blood and heart exam. The next phase is a Barium x-ray, for the stomach and GI tract. Has anyone in the house ever had this procedure? Is that white stuff tough to get down?


Squeamish Jay
Any doctor? If I need something I got to a walk in clinic, A regular doc does heart stuff?
I think stress testing, BP monitor and rate monitor, my pops in law has some gizmos he wears to keep an eye on things.
Sounds like he knows how to milk the insurance system. If you create a system paid for by insurance, health care providers will focus their efforts on procedures that pay the most rather than providing the health care you need.

I've used a local walk in clinic as my 'family doctor' for the last 6-8 years. They cater to people without insurance and provide good care at a reasonable cost.
Barium Meal, are they still doing that. I had one in 1980.:\:

It wasn't too hard to get down, maybe because of the fasting first. Getting rid of it was another story, make sure on a high fibre diet. :lol:
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The heart check was basic, just blood pressure, and a listen to with a stethoscope. It isn't a very thorough exam, the intention is to pick up any apparent problems, and then you can do with the information as you will. I was mainly going for the blood work up, to see the cholesterol level, etc. They charge $5.00, and public insurance covers the rest.

No experience wirh Pepto-Bismol either...the barium is fruit flavored I believe, I'm sure it's delicious :|:

Never had a colonoscopy, but I keep reading how it's a recommended procedure for basic health monitoring. Did the stomach camera a couple years ago, my second time, and with a skilled doctor it's a piece of cake. The first time was at a large private hospital run by a relative of a friend, who gave us both a very thorough medical check for free. They couldn't get the camera to pass through my throat for the life of me, and the doctor was getting flustered and was practically screaming at me to relax, really getting upset. I was cool with it believe it or not, but was noticing that he was sweating really bad. They called in another guy and he slipped it right through. Later I learned that the first doc was substituting, and it's not his regular gig. I'm only sorry I didn't get up off the table and belt him in the mouth. Anyway, if you've never seen the inside of your stomach, it's something to see. The monitor was right there to watch during the procedure.

What's wacky about the colon check?
What's wacky about the colon check?

I call it the 'black snake'. Never had it, but I imagine it is in my future at some point.

You should be able to figure what it's all about from the description....