That submerged log gang are a bunch of friggin' retards. I've seen safer boating practices on McHales Navy.
That kid is awfully spoiled for a kid who says he isn't. crying because he isn't used to not working on the big yader., Boo fricken hoo.
That submerged log gang are a bunch of friggin' retards. I've seen safer boating practices on McHales Navy.
Smaller the yarder the easier it is. Smaller lines, smaller blocks.
we didnt have long pulls to much. a good hooker will minimize that as much as possible
never tried it paul?
our little yarders we could move and set up quick most of the time. rather have 1 or 2 extra roads in a unit than long pulls at the bottom. seemed more efficient. clear cuts rocked when you could "jump" the sky line to the next tail hold
shoot, on clear cuts we only moved the yarder far enough to get back "in guy", 6-8 roads per setting, 3 guys in the brush, 12-15 loads a day