Any plans for an air excavation tool


Sep 1, 2010
Olympia, WA
I am looking at building a homemade airspade for a few trees at my house, Root crown excavation/ examination, and I have a stump to pull at a custy's.

Anybody made one?

Thinking about buying a real one, but its sometimes hard to prioritize new equipment.

Who offers services involving air excavation? Nick had a ficus to root prune in the sawsall root pruning thread, I recall. Think it was air excavated, prolly. Nick?
I sold a few jobs to pay for the airspade when I got mine. I haven't been pushing the services hard lately. I think a great way to justify one would be to keep an eye out for some medium to small ornamentals, line up a buyer for a premium amount and then go transplant it. That's my get rich quick thinking anyway!!
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  • #3
I bought a stump grinder, then found out I hate stump grinding. I think it would be useful. I just was thinking that I don't want to spend a bunch of money and find out I don't like air excavation related work, though I think that it would prove out to be worthwhile, but wanting a mini more, and a wraptor.
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  • #6
Yep, the compressor is $105 daily, $350 weekly to rent. I don't know if I'd want to own one at some point of not. Definitely other things to buy before a compressor.

Thanks for the offer, Scott. I'll let you know. Are you planning to hold on to it, or considering parting with it?
I would own the Wraptor and a mini first. Oh wait!

Seriously think you would benefit more by them first. I also am aware that my neck of the woods does a RC once in a blue moon.
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  • #8
There is a used Dingo in the area, maybe the 425 model. I think it is supposed to be 'not abused', has 800 hours on the new motor, and maybe 1700 on the machine. Supposed to be well maintained. With a bucket they are asking 10K.

I don't know how long these machines can last. Is 1700 hours where things start to nickel and dime you to death. I'm thinking of waiting a bit longer and going with a new machine with a warranty.
Mine is over 1700... Engine probably about the same... I have a leak on a drive. About 500.00 to replace.... Tracks are about 600.00 now. A consideration.
10K... I think you could probably do better.
Sean, not to send you over there, but Dunlap had one he made that was pretty simple. Not more than a connector a ball valve and a piece of pipe. I think he may have flattened the end.
You are remembering correctly. I bought mine like a year and a half ago. Great purchase. We use it to do root crown excavations, vertical mulching, root pruning and root barrier installation, lawn removal, and occasionally in transplanting trees.

I try my best to remember I have it when I'm on consults, but honestly, I forget sometimes. Then I remember the next day- "crap....I shoulda recommended vertical mulching for that tree!"

I pay $150/day for compressor rental (including a few hoses). So add labor for two people and a little overhead, I gotta charge $500-600 just to break even on the day. So I aim for like $1000 on a day of airspade work.

I hated buying it- but once I had it, I never regretted it once.

The people that aren't making money on it just haven't refined the art of selling it. There is a need for it everywhere!

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  • #13
how does one collect/ maintain control of the soil? If you are adding amendments to the soil, how much do you bring? I imagine you'd have leftover soil afterward. A mess??

Is that sending out two 'techs' from your company, or you and another person?
I've used plywood and tarps to contain soil, and hauled off excess with the mini. A lot of times clients will have low spots in the yard that we can fill with the excess.

And I agree if you aren't selling it well you will not have much work for it.
We should make a list of everything it can be used for. I think I don't even know for sure...

Radial trenching
Vertical Mulching
Root Crown Excavation
Root Pruning/Root Barrier installation
Trenching for installation of irrigation or other utilities
Mega leaf cleanup
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  • #19
Wonder if one does other residential services, if it could be adapted for roof cleaning. Around here, people have to be more vigilant than other areas for moss and needle/ leaf/ branch debris buildup. People rent tow behind compressors and air guns for it.

Would be great for leaf cleanup, maybe. Take THAT BR600!
Guys are out doing some vertical mulching today on an old, ailing avocado. I charged $700 (total job was $1400)

They are doing an area approx 30'x80'. Should take the, until lunch time or shortly thereafter. Slowest part is getting the mulch mix into the stupid holes.

We'll use maybe $10 worth of fine screened mulch, $5 of perlite, and maybe $5 of worm castings.

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  • #22
How much does that amount to in material? How is your grid spaced? What diameter and depth are you aiming for on holes? What proportion of materials? How is this mixed with soil, or is the soil just broadcasted to get rid of it?

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  • #23
I have a stump to pull coming up. I'll hope to get a homemade air tool made by then, and do some air excavation at my own place for 2 new water lines and a power line, along with unburying some trees and some vertical mulching.
How much does that amount to in material? How is your grid spaced? What diameter and depth are you aiming for on holes? What proportion of materials? How is this mixed with soil, or is the soil just broadcasted to get rid of it?


We do 18" grid, 12" deep where possible, and holes are the diameter of the airspade tubing. 2"-ish.

I don't know the proportion. 2 shovel scoops mulch, 1 small scoop worm castings, 2 small scoops perlite :). I'd have to get out a measuring cup to see what it comes out to.

It's not mixed with soil. We just make the hole, then fill the hole with the mulch mixture.

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  • #25
Thanks, Nick.

Different backfill for vertical mulching than RCX and Radial trenching, where soil is used???