Allergy Elimination

Merle Nelson

Dec 29, 2012
CA, SF- North Bay
If anyone wants to get rid of allergies this is worth checking out. Nambudrapods (sp) Allergy Elimination Technique - NAET for short.

Easiest way is to go to a practitioner of NAET. Fairly modest money and time. Easiest way to understand a lot about the process is to get the book, Say Goodby to Illness by Devi Nambudrapod.
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I came upon NAET about 15 years ago kind of by accident. In addition to the basic 10 building block nutrients that they checked me for reactivity to I quickly went on and got cleared of some things that had been lifelong issues and had at times caused me a lot of grief. Poison Oak, Bee stings.
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I wouldn't disagree with you Jim. One example I frequently site is that a hypnotist can put a person under, tell them they are touching them with a red hot poker - actually a piece of ice, and the persons body will produce a blister. Similarly in med trials they can give people uppers, tell them they are downers and the person will feel depressed. The reverse is true too.

Where NAET becomes interesting in my mind is that it is eloquently simple, predictably reproducible, and it will work without a person needing to understand it or 'believe in it' - to help your kid for instance.
Sounds interesting, I am naturally sceptical but try to approach things with an open mind.

On the subject of controlling aspects of your physiology that are generally considered outside of conscious control, have you read anything by or about Wim Hof?

His book is called Becoming the Iceman, but there's plenty of info around without buying the book. He has demonstrated to independent scientists that he can control his body temperature and heart rate, he has climbed Everest without oxygen wearing only shorts and boots, and run a marathon in sub zero temperatures barefoot. Not only that but he teaches other people his method too. The relevance to this thread is the potential impact on autoimmune disorders.
I read their disclaimer and they don't claim to cure environment, chemical or food allergies. I would need to see the physiology part of it. My son has been receiving venom injection for anaphaxlis reaction to bees. 4 years now. almost done. He is basically free from the risk of deadly reaction.

the short of most allergy shots is a small dose(micrograms) of allergen is given. overtime its increased. Gradually the body builds immunity. blocking the release of Histamine is the key. Your body is one big series of chemical reactions that is constantly happening.....

I would need to see more science to believe. The power of the placebo is no doubt there but I sure wouldn't want to role the dice with and anaphylactic reaction
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Sounds interesting, I am naturally sceptical but try to approach things with an open mind.

On the subject of controlling aspects of your physiology that are generally considered outside of conscious control, have you read anything by or about Wim Hof?

His book is called Becoming the Iceman, but there's plenty of info around without buying the book. He has demonstrated to independent scientists that he can control his body temperature and heart rate, he has climbed Everest without oxygen wearing only shorts and boots, and run a marathon in sub zero temperatures barefoot. Not only that but he teaches other people his method too. The relevance to this thread is the potential impact on autoimmune disorders.

No I haven't read any of his stuff Peter. If you or someone important to you faces autoimmune issues there are other options too.
Wim Hof is mighty interesting.

Merle, you made yourself immune to poison ivy??
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No Cory.

NAET uses the language (and I believe to very good effect) more reactive to, or less reactive to something. When I was a kid and into adulthood before I learned about NAET just brushing through poison oak would have me in bad enough shape that the area that touched it would break out into puss filled boils and it would rapidly spread from there. After getting 'cleared for poison oak' I still stayed away from it but then one time when I noticed too late that I had been through some, I just barely got a little itch. After a time I came to walk through it when it was important to hunting success or now I climb through/over it if that's what it takes to do a tree job.

When it's for a job and I'm aware of it ahead of time I put Tecnu on vulnerable areas, put on a Tyvex suit, and then wash with Tecnu after. Also Zanfel when I get home and shower. Before being cleared these precautions would not matter, I would be in for a trip to the hospital.

I would say that I went from very reactive to poison oak to only mildly reactive - in the low normal range for most people.