Al Smith
Mac Daddy
Ha,been there .They had so many citzens band [CB ] users ,the FCC couldn't keep up with them . I had three tube type Johnsons back then ,still have them . I had applied for a CB license about the time they came out with the Teaberry 1 C radio for $69.95 and the fad went crazy .He's full of shit. There's no such thing as a CB license (anymore, since they were done away with in the '70's), and a licensed ham would have wayyyyyy better gear.
As Al pointed out, the legal power limit on CB is only 4 watts. Period.
HAM operaters operate at different frequncy bands ,often run single sideband equipment,use call signs and have to be licensed to transmit .Anybody can recieve though .
Not that it's a big deal but one of my antique Johnsons has a grid bias resister bypass switch ,when used it puts out about 10 watts . You can't get on it for more than about 30 seconds or it will blow the finals .I seldom used it back then as I had a well tuned set of beams on my truck .