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He's full of shit. There's no such thing as a CB license (anymore, since they were done away with in the '70's), and a licensed ham would have wayyyyyy better gear.

As Al pointed out, the legal power limit on CB is only 4 watts. Period.
Ha,been there .They had so many citzens band [CB ] users ,the FCC couldn't keep up with them . I had three tube type Johnsons back then ,still have them . I had applied for a CB license about the time they came out with the Teaberry 1 C radio for $69.95 and the fad went crazy .

HAM operaters operate at different frequncy bands ,often run single sideband equipment,use call signs and have to be licensed to transmit .Anybody can recieve though .

Not that it's a big deal but one of my antique Johnsons has a grid bias resister bypass switch ,when used it puts out about 10 watts . You can't get on it for more than about 30 seconds or it will blow the finals .I seldom used it back then as I had a well tuned set of beams on my truck .
Just as a general comment ,amature radio is very interesting . Using a set of tiltable well tuned beams a person can bounce the signal and transmit at low power and send the signal thousands of miles by bouncing it off the ionosphere .

Even using mobile CB and using a big body of water behind you ,you can reach hundreds of miles on just 4 watts .I hit Tornoto one time .The "skip " condition usually doesn't last very long because it's weather related . The water acts like a giant reflecter to the radio waves thus causing them to be more directional rather than omnidirectional . Omnidirectional can be compared to throwing a stone in the water and the resulting wave going out in a cicular manner from the source .

I'm somewhat like Net in that I could ramble for hours about this stuff even though I don't even fool with it now of days .
Back to Skwerl's problem.... neighbor sounds like a real idiot....and a puss too. I'd definitely follow through on any legal pressure that might be exerted, hopefully make him wet his pants and get a shock.
Like I said if that guy is broadcasting with that much power it will be cause everbody problems ,not just B . With the equipment the FCC has it won't take them 30 seconds to find out the culprit . They no longer need to do that trianglulated stuff like you see in WW2 movies anymore . Fact is they haven't needed to do that for decades only in the movies .

Don't say no more just kick back and watch it happen ,cause it will in time .

Even using low power often times somebody gets the idea to broadcast "underground Radio " or unlicensed transmission in ranges that commercial radio use .They almost always get caught . It's usually some bright high school student ,kinda comparable to a 'puter hacker . Really kind of harmless but still illeagal ,more of a nuisance than anything .Never the less the FCC frowns on it .
Couldn't you just buy less crappy speakers for the PC that won't pick up that stuff??
It isn't quite that simple as using cheap speakers .Because of the power level being transmitted and the closeness ,the coils within the speakers act like an anteniea . I kid you not I've seen speakers pick up RF signals and emit sound and they were not even turned on at the time ,rare but it happens .

I suppose a guy could get in a war electronically .Just get a transponder that picks up on his frequency and broadcasts "white noise " when he transmits thus making his transmission ineffective .Of course it would also render everybody else in proximity mute .

That was just intended for humor ,if one did so ,you would be aswering to the FCC instead of him .
Dang, that bites.

Seriously, sitting around killing time playing on the CB all evening? WTF????

Maybe you should just go over there and introduce him to the interweb! ;)

Can you see this on a CB? Me thinks not!

My take is this.

If the guy is doing nothing illegal, he has every right to carry on business as usual. Sure it would be neighborly to try and fix the issue as not to upset any neighbors, like Brian.

And what would I tell someone who came knocking on my door or window telling me I needed to stop what I was doing? Again, if nothing illegal, I'd tell them to go get screwed and to maybe fix the problem on their end as my end is perfectly legal. Go ahead call the FCC I could give 2 shits.
My take is this.

If the guy is doing nothing illegal, he has every right to carry on business as usual. Sure it would be neighborly to try and fix the issue as not to upset any neighbors, like Brian.

And what would I tell someone who came knocking on my door or window telling me I needed to stop what I was doing? Again, if nothing illegal, I'd tell them to go get screwed and to maybe fix the problem on their end as my end is perfectly legal. Go ahead call the FCC I could give 2 shits.

And my take is this.

If you're my neighbor and doing something that's pissing me off and you don't want to help settle it in a diplomatic manner. We're gonna have problems no matter what the legalities may be.
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I went and 'made nice' with the neighbor earlier today when I stopped at home in between jobs. I apologized for knocking on his door in the middle of the night and he agreed to work with me to reduce his radio interference. I just spoke with him again a few minutes ago and he's turned it down to 2 amps and I have almost no interference. I told him I could live with that if he could. He asked when I went to bed so he could crank it up and talk with people around the world, which is fine. I'll just have to turn off the speakers before going to bed is all.

Compromise is good, nobody gets shot that way. 8)
(speaking of which, he again made it a point to mention his gun and even pulled it out. I told him if he ever pulled it on me that he better kill me. He seemed to understand. ;) )
And my take is this.

If you're my neighbor and doing something that's pissing me off and you don't want to help settle it in a diplomatic manner. We're gonna have problems no matter what the legalities may be.

Define diplomatic!

I do all sorts of things that piss off all sorts of people. At what point does one make exceptions?
Top hopper, I don't think it's rocket science....just what common courtesy requires, given the situation. There are gray areas of course, and no guarantee that being polite will buy you anything. Like to think I tried, though.

If someone complains about chainsaw noise at a job, or like an elderly neighbor did at a worksite recently, about a cone placement, :roll: I apologize for the disturbance or inconvenience, and ask them to be patient, along with the, "we too want to get it over with asap". If they want to be persistent in complaining, I do my best not to get into it, walk away before I heat up too much.....usually thinking to myself F%4@# 'em.
Not the same!

You knock on MY door and tell me what I need to do within the privacy of my own home. I'll tell you where to go, as diplomatically as possible. ;)

(that last part was for squisherofthings) :)
Yeah but Top when you look at it that way:

What you are doing in your home is illegal and it is affecting my home.
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Yup, my main point I kept repeating was that I wanted him to be able to enjoy his radio and I wasn't trying to stop him from his hobby. I simply wanted to keep it out of my house and not have it interfere with MY hobby. Live and let live. Your right to flail your arms ends where my nose begins.
Scroll up.

I said provided what I was doing was legal.

Can anyone here verify 100% that B's neighbor was/ is breaking the law?
Scroll up.

I said provided what I was doing was legal.

Can anyone here verify 100% that B's neighbor was/ is breaking the law?

If he "turned it down to 2 amps" he was breaking the law!

Simple math, 12v/2A= 6watts! 120v/2A= 60 watts!!!!!!:O

Remeber 4 is legal, so.....................................