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    The journey begins!

    Sweet! It definitely has some good lists to get me started. You can definitely tell it’s focused towards like clearance guys

    The journey begins!

    That would be fantastic! My boss and I were just talking about creating some forms entailing equipment needs, safety checks, critical information like you mentioned. I got the idea from watching Seattle tree care’s YouTube videos. Anything like that to get is started would be amazing

    The journey begins!

    I learned that the hard way with personal training. Worked out myself for years. Gained 30lbs of lean muscle, got my cpt, realized how much I didn’t know and how many other health and physical factors come in for someone that isn’t in good shape already. Needless to say, I was already learning...

    The journey begins!

    Would that wisdom be more in reference to climbing or more arborist assessments of the trees? I’m also studying to get my CDL this year and a potential goal of mine is to buy a used bucket truck with the rear mount bucket and tool box storage going down the sides to purchase all of the equipment...

    The journey begins!

    Another one I have zero knowledge about but am interested in is the TRAC

    The journey begins!

    Sadly I’m not much of a social media guy. I’ll be 30 this year but I deleted everything 10 years ago. Forums is as far as I normally go

    The journey begins!

    So far I’m appreciating the pretty pictures lol. Not in a big “wtf” state yet. My first reputable certification was becoming a personal trainer and that had a big WTF moment. I expected the same here. A focus completely different than I first thought it would begin with. When this is the first...

    The journey begins!

    So the journey has begun tree fam! Figured I would update all of you on life since I haven’t been around much. Been dealing with a lot of mental health and financial challenges. I met with one of my pastors last Sunday and I’m doing better mentally and spiritually. After next week I’ll be back...