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  1. R

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    That, I can get on board with!
  2. R

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    They have all that fancy tech but still have to go up and physically retrieve the data? Is it just an old trail cam they pull a sim card out of? You don't have to engage my skepticism, I'm just being stupid.
  3. R

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    They can measure a mountain growing 4 mm per year? I'm not calling b.s. but personally I'm skeptical....
  4. R

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    I came back and hoped I could delete that before you read it. Have to try harder to mind my own biz.:(
  5. R

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    Knotorious, you've eaten upwards of 90 jalapeno poppers in the last few weeks. Unless you're out ropewalking and testing hitches everyday those calories are gonna add up. Just giving you some tough love man. Emotional eating or just too lazy too cook, it's not good. Take care of yourself.
  6. R

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    A co-worker likes to beat his chest about spicy food but still ends up with the shits the next day more often than not. Maybe some guys build callus back there?
  7. R

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    “J” (referencing the path a jaywalker might travel when crossing a road). Say what? I never would have thought that in a million years.
  8. R

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    Random fact : You can't always get what you want but if you try sometime, you might find you get what you need.
  9. R

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    @SeanKroll 6 of 10 toes have a bit. The doctor said the side effects of medication weren't worth it years ago but he didn't know it was a "mutated super fungus" "that could lead to amputation" said in the same voice Bermy is referring to. Who knows, maybe I'm actually a bit rattled by those...
  10. R

    Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

    Random Fact: contrary to the scientific ad campaign to sell a treatment, I have not spread toenail fungus to my wife after decades of playing unconcious footsie while we sleep. Random Thought: it might be bad luck to be superstitious.