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  1. Mrs.B

    Sequoia National Park

    Yosemite today.
  2. Mrs.B

    Sequoia National Park

    We spent the better part of today driving into Kings Canyon. What a remarkable place it is! The King River is swollen right now with the snowmelt and is gorgeous. Lots of waterfalls and sheer granite cliffs and domes. Tomorrow it's Yosemite!
  3. Mrs.B

    Sequoia National Park

    I've shot up 5 gig of photos and 3 hours of video so far. It will take hours to pick through photos and cut clips. Still have 3 days left. Jerry B onTerri's puter....
  4. Mrs.B

    Sequoia National Park

    No it was taken right from the trail, this time. Jer's been off trail for the last 4 days. In fact, some people actually told us we were being bad. But the best shots are off trail.
  5. Mrs.B

    Sequoia National Park

    Pics from today.
  6. Mrs.B

    Sequoia National Park

    First thing we did this morning was go to Moro Rock. 7000 ft granite rock with a 400 step stairway going to the top. Before we were half way to the top the big tree guy was screaming for a rope and a tie in point! Seems he doesn't like getting high without a rope. Imagine that!
  7. Mrs.B

    Sequoia National Park

    Do you have cell service there? If so would you pm your cell number?
  8. Mrs.B

    Sequoia National Park

    GTG will be good. How do we find your area from 99? We're on a pretty loose schedule.
  9. Mrs.B

    Sequoia National Park

    Where are you at from Sequoia? We will be leaving here Thursday morning. Directions please. We only have enough battery power for one more margarita so make it fast!!
  10. Mrs.B

    Sequoia National Park

    Yep, that's snow. It seems to be melting fast though. Not too cold during the day. It's been just right for hiking.
  11. Mrs.B

    Sequoia National Park

    Lots of big trees here and our feet are killing us! Here's a few shots of where we're at. Plenty more to follow.