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  1. littlenick


    haha i should of stated that a little differently, the pocket...
  2. littlenick


    I was wondering that myself, you can't put much in it...
  3. littlenick


    Have you guys tryed the body rag (;multi_item_submit), it looks like something you can soak in ice or something and put it on your head/neck when you need to cool down... seams like it would work well...
  4. littlenick


    I dont think i would care for the Tech pants material... and the price tag:\: thanks for the replies!!
  5. littlenick


    I have noticed with my Carhartts they can get very hot in the summer... ill have to wait to try' will be a while with the weather :lol:
  6. littlenick


    Yea i bought 2 pairs there, they were the thinner Arborwear pants. I bought the other two from arborwear and were thicker although much more $$... thanks for the input
  7. littlenick


    I am sorry, i didnt know there were different models of Carhartt pants, i will see if there is a model on them.
  8. littlenick


    I have some Carhartt pants but they end up looking like swiss cheese after a while. It seams like the Arborwear are built better....
  9. littlenick


    I bought a couple pairs of Arborwear pants the other day and there chainsaw belt. How many of you wear Arborwear pants everyday? How long do they tend to last? I have only heard great things about there products... Thanks nick