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  • Users: Altissimus
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Altissimus

    "Straight Through" pricing

    selling logs is complex , one thing pops up here quite a bit is straight through. Cutting logs is complex , cut for grade or cut for pieces ... Not sure of other places but when there's a high demand for a particular species (right now Ash) instead three or four prices depending on grade...
  2. Altissimus

    Wedge Accident ...

    local here in the cold driving a wedge had it shatter ! bloodied his face and broke out his front teeth , painful as well. I know associated dangers using wedges but , never heard of this one ... cold Temps for sure
  3. Altissimus

    Considering a Spike Switch ...

    my first spikes are Klien Adjustable Tree (bought new , in hindsight not sure why the choice) been used many years now. Wore out original pads , then wore out replacements then bought Buc Supers. No worries aloft other than usual stuff but ... a few years back in a thrift store (vernacular for...
  4. Altissimus

    Cost for hourly Chipper needed. Thanks ,

    Buddy is managing for a small municipality and needs a hourly cost figure for running the Chipper they own. Fuel and Maintenance I guess , it's a Woodchuck 17 , frame W/C17 motor 236D. Off the top of my head is a $50 guess close ?
  5. Altissimus

    GRCS , tips and technique for greatness

    I always say the Harken does not go out enough , lately we've used it some. Gaining experience and skill every time. We follow all the rules of course. One thing I'm in the habit of doing now is choking the right size sling around the trunk above the chosen spot to mount the Faceplate then...
  6. Altissimus

    Wildlife reintroduction in PNW , Grizzly Bear ... really ?

    sounds like fifty years of research and the decision is made , controversial for sure ... (probably good people on both sides). Even Indian Tribes disagree , not sure how I'd logging in the Cascades if the territory belongs to Grizzlies. PS , my perspective here is the Black Bear population...
  7. Altissimus

    Wind Chimes ...

    probably less controversial than a staubs or a saw leash thread , love'm or hate'm if you work residential at one point or another you have them ... I've gone the extra effort miles to safely remove and relocate them many times. Customers seem to appreciate it. Personally I don't have any nor...
  8. Altissimus

    Ash to China !

    I know in the past mills here have sold containers of chips for biomass to China , was explained to me at the time that stateside we wind up with tons of empties that have to go back. I also remember clearly the Mill owner a few years back commented because I was obviously happy that we hit...
  9. Altissimus

    Mat Stock , new to me

    Getting rid of low quality logs is a big part of Logging in New England , sold Pallet ,and Tie Stook in the past. Local mill makes heavy equipment mats so they buy. I find it kinda easy compared the high value material (which we've already done on this project). Spec is any hardwood ( NO...
  10. Altissimus

    Clutch adjustment on the Farmy style Winch

    doing some work with big new (60 plus HP) Kubota with a big winch. Not a Farmy but some Canadian Green also new. Seems well designed and built , rugged and powerful. Question is should the clutch be adjusted after break in ??
  11. Altissimus

    "Reverse Stump Shot"

    been Logging and had a few Push Trees with a Tractor , operator prefers the back cut below the hinge. One of the the choppers here no like this technique at all , I'm fine with it and see the utility. If backcut is conventional the stump shot keeps the tree from shooting backwards off the...
  12. Altissimus

    Another Gimmee

    ... trying to post pic , a Crosby Hook (no keeper) .... love the look and feel of but can't think of an application right now , refresh my how to post a pic and I will , anyone use them for anything ? ?... signed Dave
  13. Altissimus

    Project Poles

    have five wood six footers cast offs from the Power Company , wood is in good shape but ferrules are wallered out of round. Buy new ferrules and r & r ? Is it worth the outlay and time ? Wonder if only the female sides are bent ? Years back I did it a Fiberglass Pole and I seem to recall it...
  14. Altissimus

    New(er) Truck ... w Cargo Glide

    I buy used power company trucks , they come the way they were set up new. Yard is fun as it's always full of interesting rigs of all sizes , sold the way they came in from auction (not stripped). New one came with giant moving shelf in the back I call the "Silverware Drawer" ... it is awesome ...
  15. Altissimus

    Beyond Chaps , Pants ... opinions

    been through many pairs chaps , now prefer pants ... had a pair of Husqvarna badged winter weight then a pair forest something something , need new now ... probably summer weight with room for layers now. What's out there that's good ?? No in advance to anything with highly reflective panels...
  16. Altissimus

    Logging on TV ... "Boys in the Woods"

    I've been sick for a week and very bored unable to do much for work other than service saws. On FB this show come up , couple good old boys from Missouri running Stihls who are nice enough that log hardwoods on easy ground that's more than nice enough (quite a bit of Wanut plus). Anywho , what...
  17. Altissimus

    Husqvarna supply line issues

    my buddy blew up his 562XP , went to our dealer to replace it yesterday. Usually has plenty saws but not this time , not days , not weeks , but months until he can get them. Highly unusual situation. Wound with a 255 which is not an XP but better than no saw I guess. We both generally always...
  18. Altissimus

    Bi Lateral Gaff Outs today ...

    Climbing a Soft Maple today happened three times , tree was 22" dbh probably 80' h tops , so not a monster. Had that peculiar spiral scarring we always associate with Lightning Strike from many years back resulting in about a third of the butt showing nothing but dead punk though the top looked...
  19. Altissimus

    Asplundh Blues

    Corporate , something I'm obviously not cut out for. We occasionally have crossover work involving Power Co. and the local Asplundh crew. Seems the Orange office bigs have recently taken away all the top handle saws from bucket operators , no longer allowed. With lots of cut and hold work...
  20. Altissimus

    50 years off-grid: architect-maker paradise amid NorCal redwoods

    interesting vid from a smart crazy old cat , not sure how to post it here ... comes right up on Google though