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  1. Kaveman

    Whats blooming?

    Google lens also says milkweed on the first plant. We call Achillea Millefolium as Yarrow as well, i just wasn't sure if that was universal, i had no idea what it might be called over there in Russia.
  2. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    Whatever it is, its required the marlin spike twice. I keep trying to teach him the boline, and variations thereof, but he's either stubborn or stupid. I swear to my ancient Gods, I'm at my wits end with the boy. He owes me a nearly obscene amount of money, but I keep working like a hillbilly...
  3. Nutball

    How'd it go today?

    The take 5 knot. We use them around here too. He needs to try some daisy chain knot termination. 1 pull, and it's loose and almost undone.
  4. stikine

    How'd it go today?

    Mississippi hog knot.
  5. CurSedVoyce

    How'd it go today?

    That knot is called a fug that
  6. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Hard to make out. Kinda looks like a tautline.
  7. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    At least three or four days on this job. Tomorrow some zip lining is gonna happen. Anybody got a name for this mess my boss keeps tying?
  8. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    About 0.05mm so 2 thousands, average measured with a digital caliper, not a micrometer. I guess it's called a slide fit.
  9. Tree09

    How'd it go today?

    How much play is there?
  10. Dave Shepard

    How'd it go today?

    There is a loctite product for this. Sleeve retainer, maybe? I'd have to search for it.
  11. Marc-Antoine

    How'd it go today?

    The second main bearing on my chipper's rotor didn't want to let go, and consequently, the puller changed a bit its chape. Chinesium, but still, that's a lot of force applied and no move at all. The new bearings were delivered today, so I had no remorse to cut out the stubborn bearing with the...
  12. lxskllr

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    I prefer cicadas.
  13. Treeaddict

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    Sums it up pretty well.
  14. BlackSmith

    Songs I Like

  15. Brock Mayo


    That was some serious style points!
  16. lxskllr

    The Official Random Video Thread!

  17. FireFighterZero

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    I quit raking hay at 102. It's 104 now. Summer time.
  18. Trains

    Songs I Like

    Memory is hazy, but yes, I think so, yep same album here, went to the petra, strypa, white cross, guardian concerts when they came past, always wished for Neoncross and barrencross, and bloodgood to tour, if they did, I never knew about it, back then it was thru magazines that you found out...
  19. lxskllr

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    Pretty much all rosa multiflora... Mostly bittersweet, but there's a little bit of everything... Mostly just tall grass, but it's *really* tall grass. That machete tip is probably at 5.8'...
  20. CurSedVoyce

    In The News...

    My neighbor Adam, and his family going through this. Just a lovely family. Makes me ill.