Search results for query: *

  1. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    In what way is it a security concern?
  2. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    I'm working my ass off for this one. Round was pretty wet, and it's requiring a lot of attention from me... Spot in her house... Pretty decent day. Found a new discount grocer, and they have some interesting stuff. Scored some FinnCrisp for $3/box.
  3. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Where does the balloon launch from?
  4. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    I'm fairly ambivalent tbh :^D
  5. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Hope they found nothing! Went into work this morning and reclimbed the tree to add slack to the telco line. Didn't help, internet was still broken. Verizon was supposed to be in around 1pm. Boss didn't have anything ready, so I went home. I'd have done some treework there, but I had a couple...
  6. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    I'd have gone with the redtail hawk. They're objectively cool, and don't usually compete with vultures over roadkill.
  7. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    ...and almost immediately regretted that decision. I was beat from the noisewall, and wasn't feelin' the footlocking. Got up, pulled the line *tight, and hitched it off with a prusik. It all went pretty well. *I think I pulled it too tight. It was a thin slippery line, so I wanted some tension...
  8. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Any runners, or are they all parts saws?
  9. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Laid out boltholes on that little bridge near the mill ruins. It was a good day. Cloudy and cool. Felt like late fall/winter, the way it should. Fetched 20G of corn free gas for the chipper. Got to try my dented up steel safety can I found on the side of the road. It appears to not leak so far...
  10. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Mass is a good place to spend jul. Have fun Knotty!
  11. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    It was raining when I got up, so I stayed home today. Got a call from a client's secretary asking if I still did side work. Said he had a couple houses he wanted the corners marked on. I said I couldn't do it cause I didn't have my robot anymore. That was half a lie. I don't have a robot, but I...
  12. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Sorry to hear about the wife's mom :^(
  13. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Went back to the willow job with Mike, and we gave the chipper a workout. Worked pretty well, and we only ran into one problem where a big piece went sideways between the feed drum and the disc. After a bunch of screwing around, we did what we should have done in the first place, and raised the...
  14. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Didn't do much today. Went shopping and moved firewood around at the house. I also spun up a chain for my 2511 that didn't need spinning. Got the chain together, put it in my case, and noticed the chain I had already made in there, and that's in addition to the Carlton chain the bar came with...
  15. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    I made a real quick search this morning, and it looks like a souvenir token; maybe from mint visits. One guy online was selling them for 45¢, but that doesn't mean he got that. No value, but an interesting curiosity.
  16. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Check this out... I got it last week in change from a self checkout. I put it in my vest pocket and forgot about it til this morning when I was digging coins out of my pocket to do laundry.
  17. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Changed the oil and the hydraulic fluid in the chipper today. I didn't clean the tank, and it looked like it could use it shining a flashlight in the filler. I need to get some stuff together for a cleaning operation, and if what I was seeing is accurate, it looks like it'll be a real project. I...
  18. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    You're quicker to jump on a plane across the country, than I am going into town 1 mile away during traffic time Pat :^D
  19. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    I got the chipper going today, at least on a basic level. It was the autofeed settings messing it up. If I turn autofeed off, I can operate it manually. The [Back] setting confuses me, so I need a little more time with the manual. There's almost no way that motor has 40hr on it. Smoky, and it...
  20. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    I might have a lead on the chipper. Could be the autofeed settings are jacked. I didn't think it even had autofeed, but maybe? Even if it doesn't, it could be the tach is interfering with operation. In any case, I'll try turning autofeed off on the tach, and see if it then works. If that gets me...