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  1. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Nice job. That really looks good.
  2. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Went to the noisewall today for the first time in awhile. Had to layout an access road. Plans were shit. A bunch of scribbles that basically meant nothing in the end. Lots of effort to provide little value. Hot as hell. The edge of the creek was infested with knotweed, and it felt 10° hotter...
  3. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Pretty amazing isn't it? You can have internet on the go with a fairly trivial hardware setup. Back in the day, if I wanted internet, I'd have to drive around and look for an open network with decent signal, or find a wep encrypted network I could crack.
  4. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Strange way to mount a tv.
  5. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Bummer about getting infected. Nothing good comes from associating with humans :^P
  6. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Could also look into allergies if he won't go to the doctor now. Gluten and dairy come immediately to mind.
  7. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    That was why I asked. I was there in the carb days, but I don't remember it smelling too bad for the most part, but it could be my memory. The leaded gas caused memory loss :^D
  8. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Question... Whenever I'm around some kind of street rod, or other vintage enthusiast type car, they always smell like they're running rich. To the best of my memory, they've always smelled like they run rich, even when the cars weren't all that vintage, but went on to their new owners. I don't...
  9. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Just being neighborly. He wants you go get some juicy worms too before they go underground for the day. I guess, optionally, you could raid the cat's bowl if you get up late. That's what the blue jays do.
  10. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Someone around here is practicing trumpet. Sounds like a car horn. Not quite Miles Davis :^D
  11. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Sun's out now. Thank god it rained last night. I wouldn't have wanted to get overstimulated seeing northern lights or anything... edit: Raining again. At least it helps me feel like the world isn't conspiring against me :^D
  12. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    That shit pisses me off. The old Dodge would go to the mechanic, and he always changed the oil even though nobody said to. That was supposed to be my job. Well, they obviously hired a gorilla to tighten the drainplug and oil filter. Since I haven't had a filter wrench in about 40 years cause I...
  13. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Rain started here just as it was getting dark. The only lights I'm seeing are the one I turned on out back to keep the fox away.
  14. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Maybe that guy can send some of the fun your way :^D Whatcha up to there?
  15. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    My back's more or less better, but it's been replaced with pain that goes from my lower back(a tiny bit), into my hip/groin, and down into my thigh. I suspect it might be my computer chair. I didn't do a thing this week between rain and the boss doing stuff, so my ass was mostly planted in a...
  16. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    It's cloudy here, cause of course it's cloudy here. It'll be /some/ sun today, but that's gonna be gone for dark time, and it looks like more rain :^S
  17. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    I haven't read the books, but I did understand the reference. I didn't think your analogy was so explicit. I guess it was just coincidence that my average price of $10 hit exactly on the book reference :^)
  18. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    If that's a reference to my $10 boots, it isn't accurate, cause my $10 are actually $150 boots, with perhaps $20 deducted for depreciation in the case of the used ones. That's why I hoard boots. I get 14 pair for the price of a single pair ordered on the normal market.
  19. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Gotta get them when you can. It's insurance. You can't just pop over to the thrift shop and get your pick of lightly used size 12 combat boots for $10. I could throw out all the boots I've hoarded, and still be ahead of the game money wise. Also, since I don't get my pick of exactly what I...
  20. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    I've run into size 13 combat boots a couple times, and they're usually in very good condition. Disappointing when I see some sweet looking boots, but no chance of them fitting. I'm size 12 regular. Depending on the boot, I've worn size 11, dealt with initial pain, but had some amazing boots once...