Search results for query: *

  1. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    I made a post here about eating a bit of mushroom off my locust. I weirded out, and had a borderline out of body experience :^D It was just anxiety over eating a mushroom that didn't come from a store. I'm nearly 100% certain it was chicken of the woods, but it probably isn't a great idea to...
  2. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    That looks like like a really nice spot Andrey :^) Question for anyone... Does cutting off a mushroom negatively affect fungus in any way, aside from disrupting it's ability to spread through spores?
  3. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Did a search of whether or not foxes and coyotes can hybridize(they cannot). and it linked to another page discussing the difference between mange and shedding. My fox looks similar to top pic showing a shedding fox. It's not exactly the same, but it satisfies my question on it's appearance...
  4. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Does boss take a real interest in this stuff? I ask, cause it seems like climbing spurless is something you'd run across on the web, and you'd think "Hey, I want to try that!". That's how I got into this stuff. Looking around the web for saw stuff, seeing climbing, thinking it look fun and...
  5. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    It's coat is weird; almost German shepherd like in color, and it's fairly short. I'm guessing it looks gnarly due to the transition to summer coat. The coat color, and it's height are what give me pause. If someone told me it was a fox\coyote hybrid, I wouldn't be a bit surprised. Dunno if...
  6. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Fox just showed up again, and seemed reluctant to leave, even after Spot's insistence. I intervened by opening the door. Holy hell, a fox scream is something else. That fox is pretty big. Even now, I'm thinking "coyote?", but I'm nearly 100% certain it's fox. It would be nice to examine it in a...
  7. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    I seem to remember internet speed gets halved with each bridge. I don't know why that would be, or if it was (ever)right. I was looking into it ~20 years ago, but never did anything.
  8. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Got to stake a house today. First time in awhile I've done something that felt like work. Had a visitor at the office... That's Daphne. Boss' daughter got her cause she's getting rid of a couple of the baby boys, and wanted a girl to keep the other baby girl company. She's got a lot of goats...
  9. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Man, that thing looks awful :^D I'm not a big fan of snack cakes. TastyKake butterscotch krimpets and kandykakes are pretty good though.
  10. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Spot hadn't shown up for breakfast the previous two days. She wasn't here first thing this morning either. I was literally sitting here on the SPCA site to see if she was in jail when I looked out and saw her eating. I'd love to know where she goes. Seems like she's more inclined to disappear...
  11. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    661. It's my biggest saw. It's mainly for milling, but I use it when I want more than 60cc. I could use a 70cc class saw, but not enough to spend the money, so far...
  12. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    That's kinda where I am. Debating the different lengths, and just thinking "Hmm...". I have a 25" bar, and 28" isn't much bigger, nor is 32" that much smaller than 36". It would be nice having something a bit more than 25", but that's yet another chain I'd have to deal with. It sure would be...
  13. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Helped Mike haul some logs out of a creek bed for his neighbor. Neighbor used a trailer winch to pull them up the slope. Main goal was a long piece of walnut that'll be turned into a mantle. Everything went pretty well. My 36" bar got tweaked when a log dropped, I think it may just be the tip...
  14. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Got a thorn in my toe last night, and I can't see to get rid of it. Feels like a wineberry thorn. Annoying. Had to drop the boss off at his house, so I used the opportunity to start the chipper, and make sure it still works. A baby bird came out the chute and died. Might've had a chance if...
  15. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Boss called me a little bit ago, and said his dog was flipping out at the chipper, and there was something inside. Asked me how to open the hood, and I guided him through it. He opened the hood, moved the disc a little, and a bluebird flew out. Must've gone down the chute. He dropped the guide...
  16. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Spot's mad at me. She got her first bunny this year, and I think I caused here to lose it. She brought it out back, but it was still alive. She put it down, was laying next to it, and the rabbit bolted. She snatched it up again, and I chased her around the house. At some point, I think it got...
  17. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    I swear to god I read his previous post again after the rv pic, and still didn't see that. Some days...
  18. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    I guess the overall question is "Why is there an RV parked in a garage with ac hooked up to it?"
  19. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    What's going on there?
  20. lxskllr

    How'd it go today?

    Bummer Kave, but sooner's better than later. It only gets more complicated as you get deeper in the relationship.