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  • Users: SeanKroll
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  1. SeanKroll

    PNW Bigleaf maple mortality
  2. SeanKroll

    Chainsaw carving

    Anyone do any chainsaw carving? I had to remove a cedar. The moving company van was not secured and rolled own the hill, one mover in the back. I got a local Consulting arborist involved. The insurance company offered $1500 as compensation, sure that she would want to keep the tree (1/4-1/3...
  3. SeanKroll

    Saltwater-intrusion due to drought

    Anyone know about this? We have lots of shoreline on the Puget Sound in Olympia. Olympia is a bunch of peninsulas on the Sound side of things. Have heard it mentioned, but only briefly. Going to do some research.
  4. SeanKroll

    Wages for office assistant and shop assistant

    I am interested to get some P/T office help and shop help. Possibly the same person, but probably two different types of people. Curious what you pay people compared to field staff, and what your minimum wage is, as a reference point. Office assistant to help with admin like: timesheets...
  5. SeanKroll

    Log splitter engine performance trouble-shooting help, please.

    B & S engine won't run without me continuing to push the primer bulb. Seems like a fuel pump issue or an air leak in the lines that is compensated for by the primer (internet solution for one guy). Seems like I'll need to pull the gas tank line off to the pump, not sure what kind of fuel...
  6. SeanKroll

    What kind of economical wood oil or other wood finish for pieces of funky wood?

    I have an idea, and need an economical (not to say 'cheap') finish for something like a wood organizer that would be used indoors, so any scent/ odor in the longer term should be pleasant. I have lots of figured wood chunks to play with. Thoughts?
  7. SeanKroll

    MS361 puffing smoke, smells like burning oil.

    After getting a new carb kit, I think my employee might have topped up fuel in the oil tank, and oil in the gas tank. I've flushed the fuel tank and put in fresh gas, but it still puffs smoke. I keep thinking if I let it run, it will clear up. Maybe flush the tank again. Is my carb likely...
  8. SeanKroll

    MS 660 rebuild

    My cylinder is scored. Supposedly, per the Stihl dealer cert'ed mechanic, due to lean conditions from a faulty decomp valve. Seems to me the decomp is crisp and snappy, not at all showing issue. The carb is old; I know the saw has not had any repair in 5 years of my ownership. My friend...
  9. SeanKroll

    Bluetooth video cameras

    I would like to be able to see the 'view perspective' from clients decks or the shape of a tree I'm pruning from my phone. If it could double as a mobile back-up camera, that would be great. Ideas?
  10. SeanKroll

    Glass in damaged tree to be removed. Thoughts?

    I have a cedar to remove, about 36" diameter. Its been smashed by a run-away moving van. A lot of glass has been cleaned up, but some is stuck under the bark on sap, and there are micro-shards that can't be cleaned up. Thoughts on how to approach it in relation to the glass? Its structurally...
  11. SeanKroll

    climbing helmets for small, adult heads

    My new guy has a small head. Kask is too big. Needs to fit well enough to support muffs and visor. Thanks.
  12. SeanKroll

    elm IDs, in part as related to Dutch Elm Disease

    What should I get for pictures to ID several elms at home? Maybe I can't prune any of the elms, even if some are not susceptible to DED, as it might attract beetles. Any ideas, please?
  13. SeanKroll

    Which big bar, and from where, please.

    I need something bigger than 36". I've got an MS 660, to rebuild, and soup-up for a power head. Suggestions, please! I run almost all 3/8, 0.50 up to 36", buying by the roll, fwiw.
  14. SeanKroll

    Cool places you've been...

    List/ link some cool places you've been in your life, and why. When I worked for the Nevada Conservation Corps/ Great Basin Institute, we did dune restoration at Eureka Dunes in Death Valley National Park. Location of the Eureka Valley Sand Dunes within California The Eureka Valley Sand...
  15. SeanKroll

    Dog Breeds and training

    Looking for some advice and references on training and breeds. We will be looking for a four-legged friend or two in the coming months to a year. Some medium-sized rescue dogs, probably. Good with kids. Good for a work-truck dog. Protect the homestead. Thoughts?
  16. SeanKroll

    Hourly rate to subcontract, . Mini with BMG/ bucket and operator?

    What do you think is a good hourly subcontractor rate and minimum for me with my mini and bmg to help local arborists who are without iron? I'd say that I'm pretty solid on the machine, and pretty efficient at doing what's needing to be done. Good at directly feeding my chuck and duck, which I...
  17. SeanKroll

    Favorite Chainsaw 'Builders' list

    Could people point out good work saw 'builders' that they know, please? Any details such as long wait-times. good values, locations, other considerations helpful. Also, guys to avoid. Thanks.
  18. SeanKroll

    Worn out Decompression Valve

    The dealer mechanic told me that my ms660 decomp valve was leaking, resulting in a lean condition. Not in any way noticeable when disassembled. Snapped open, snapped closed. Maybe it needs to be harder to pop closed. Dunno. Didn't know it could be seemingly fine and be faulty. The piston ring...
  19. SeanKroll

    Stihl versus Husqvarna bar mounts, and adapters

    I've been branching out. Got a Husky battery saw, and Echo top handle recently, now waiting on a 576XP powerhead to show up. What do I need to do to run my Stihl bar and chain on a Husky saw? Is it as precise a fit as a Husky or other bar? Thanks.
  20. SeanKroll

    Clearing lots for builders.

    I figure people have some good collective experience with clearing a lot for a builder in a neighborhood. I've heard builders can be the worst to work for. Surely a mixed bag. The bid I have is for a guy who says he's been building for 30 years. He's building the homes in the subdivision and...