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    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Rich, thanks for the picture of your HH1. I dont make much on HH sales but it warms my heart to see real working climbers rocking them on the day to day. Aint light, aint shinny but they will take a freakin beating and keep on right along.

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I guess we know why that reinforcing is on the bottom of the boom. Maybe should have gone up more? Glad it wasn't your job and nobody got hurt. When crane picks go wrong they go wrong quick Can you imagine what that is going to cost to cut up and get out of there??

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    WTF tell me that wasn't your job??

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    fug that

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Stig you get some crazy jobs, thats for sure!

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Nice job Willie, did you sell the logs or did the property owner?

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Shoot down here I would only get $375 on that tree, crazy you get $1K +

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Jed ,sounds like you got a crush! We did 2 jobs today then got a call about a fallen maple that needed cleaned up asap as the woman couldnt get in her house as the door was blocked by brush. Went and looked at it at 1 whilst the guys cleaned up our job. Big tree lots of brush but a decided fug...

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    My equipment is hungry for some big beasts......... I pray for wind!
  10. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Yoos guys be killin it!
  11. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Awesome work Stig, hope you get to keep in with them.
  12. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Bix you have come a long way in a short time my Jedi friend!! I love seeing Bug at work, makes me a bit sad though as Rufus has retired and is kinda on his last legs at 11. Dont think I will ever have another big dog come to work with me, too many people round these ways freak out about them...
  13. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Rich, I drool over jobs like that!!
  14. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Ed read up on Cold lasers. I'm treating a torn medial meniscus with mine right now and fingers crossed after a week it is doing way better Tennis elbow should be a doddle What crane was that BTW, nice freaking pics, don't get much better than that. Stout crane with huge paved area to process.....
  15. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I once took down a big poplar that had been struck and didnt have ANY bark for 40' of the trunk, talk about slick!!
  16. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Don't make an insurance claim, pay it out of pocket or you will regret it!
  17. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Reg when ever I can I love to ride my motorbike for errands after driving big heavy shit all day! Nice truck btw
  18. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Wow that is a big pine!! Glad nothing or nobody got hurt Scott, probably wouldn't have happened if you had some one else pull and you kept cutting huh?
  19. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I bet that sucker being in the UK is OLD, what you figure at least 200 years??
  20. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Fug that I don't like working in the rain