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    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Your a working SOB Rich

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    So what, say it takes what a minute to get climber and set him to choke point, maybe 30 seconds to get to TIP, yeah but then you gotta tie in which on big wood can be a bitch. I guess it could save 3 minutes a pick so over average tree of what 8 picks is 24 min's. I have a hard time getting all...

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    McCauley I never tire of seeing crane pics. Ive never run a bucket truck but find it hard to imagine they make crane work much easier, what am I missing? One from today...

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Wheres your crane ?? The treatment for fatigue!

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    One of 4 removals today, crispy poplar. Love my crane....

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Nasty job Brian, glad you got a bucket for that mess Grendel I HATE pruning in the rain!

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    never thought of that Sean, would be easy to do but Ive never had a problem starting it that I can recall.

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Its a honda 4 stroke, sounds cool, bit heavier than the old ones but starts really easily. Hopefully they hold up as well as the old ones, time will tell.....

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Not trees but work non the less
  10. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Todays Work...
  11. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    looking good Reg, love the winch on chipper. Any way i can find to get a motor to do my work Im in. Just lazy like that. On that note here was my "Work" for the day, fun day.
  12. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Rich , I think you made a good choice. Everything I hear is the UK is going down the shitter
  13. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Rich might have missed it but what prompted you to move?
  14. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I hate clean up with a passion Love my crane though:D
  15. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I just don't see how Whillies lightening protection helped out that much??
  16. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Reg, refresh my memory, do you have a chipper yet? What are you doing with all the wood , cut it up tiny and carry it out?
  17. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Stiff competition there Steven
  18. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Good to see you riding the ball Steven, everybody needs a rest from time to time...
  19. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I hate having to cut big stuff like that unless I have my wheel loader there. Guess you were using that awesome looking Toyota
  20. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Only had to sharpen the 46 once