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    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I wouldn't have done it without the crane. Nobody else would give him a price and that includes Bartlett, don't think any local crane co.s would have touched it. My first instinct was to walk . Put a high price on it and hoped not to get it. Interesting side note we had a visiting climber this...

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Nice pics Stig, glad you are brave enough to use the camera, risky business by all accounts. In the picture of the beach notch , does all that inclusion dull the saw and devalue the log? Cory after a lot of chin scratching I saw I could boom all the way in and swing 90 degrees under the canopy...

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Boom is 90 jib is 26 stinger adds 20. Takes about 20-30 mins to swing. The customer told us nobody else would give him a price on the tree, it was a tough setup as the house was surrounded by huge trees , nowhere to swing.

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Couple from today, big very dead oak behind house, long reach.

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Cute kids man

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Pure water can't freeze, it needs impurities to do so apparently. Hard to believe that pure water could fall from the sky though.

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    2 weeks before Christmas??? Don't they give you guys a Christmas bonus

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Im glad ours aren't, my crane wouldn't reach them !

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Steven I thought there were no cranes available in your area, is this a new company? Glad you have the option now.
  10. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    He took some cool pics too!
  11. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Jed crazy is as crazy does. Brendon is that a locust? Nice log trailer btw
  12. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Yup same here, my son Woody has been taking my wheel loader out in snow storms since he was 10 no insurance or license....
  13. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Curious why the dumpster was delivered by tractor? Never fly over here
  14. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    If I try to get on ,on my tablet I get that same jargon, has been 3 or 4 days now. Fwiw not this thread but the home page
  15. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Buddy, love the cheek plates on that snatch block One of 3 of todays removals.....
  16. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Great picture Tommy Gary I hate trees like that , good job man!
  17. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Shit wish you guys weren't so far away, just fired my "left foot man". Figured out he is doing meth, his car broke down a month ago and he has been bumming rides from us , doesn't bring any food or water to work, always wants advances.... Done with that shit. We had a new guy starting monday...
  18. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    lil punky there Sean !!
  19. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Yup grapples are the way to go!! Lady luck was on your side with that truck showing up!!
  20. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Not familiar with link belts Cannot wait to see the thread