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  1. woodworkingboy

    How'd it go today?

    I feel for you too. Smoke messes with your mind, like when the farmers burn around their rice fields. I've lodged a complaint.
  2. woodworkingboy

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    They can get to be a chore if you have to pack them around some distance, but with a crane you can move them around in bulk in a net or something.
  3. woodworkingboy

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Looks like you found some good strong bags, that sure helps.
  4. woodworkingboy

    In The News...

    Now this too! I must be missing a hell of a party going on over there.
  5. woodworkingboy

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Sandbags! :dude:
  6. woodworkingboy

    In The News...

    Dogs need them when there's a fireworks show near where they live. As long as the breed can't open the medicine cabinet.
  7. woodworkingboy

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I've been on a crane job that went into the night. Trees along a road. Risky, it sucked. The crane company stuck it to me for the overtime as well.
  8. woodworkingboy

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    You see 400 pounds on that guy?
  9. woodworkingboy

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    That vid in the dark and commentary was like poetry!
  10. woodworkingboy

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    She's cute. It must be fun. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  11. woodworkingboy

    In The News...

    Dye you hair and become a woman?
  12. woodworkingboy

    In The News...

    You must mean the problem the greedy idiots caused and nobody gets held responsible.
  13. woodworkingboy

    In The News...

    Meat eaters!
  14. woodworkingboy

    The RIP Thread...

    He participated with a lot of other famous folks too, from Frank Sinatra to the Beach Boys.
  15. woodworkingboy

    The RIP Thread...

  16. woodworkingboy

    Yuzu Tree ... anyone grown one or cook with it? Citrus juno

    My wife says the juice gets used in cooking, like adding some to broths. The outer skin gets used somewhat too. Isn't it a fruit that gets produced in the winter?
  17. woodworkingboy

    In The News...

    Freak accident/tragedy.
  18. woodworkingboy

    Yuzu Tree ... anyone grown one or cook with it? Citrus juno

    I see them around, mature trees and fruit, at least the variety that we have. I've never heard of cooking with them, but since the fruit is used for flavoring in drinks, why not? It's generally not something that you bite into. It's liked for it's scent too, you can find baths putting them in...
  19. woodworkingboy

    In The News...

    Right, Ray, funny how it works... Catching does have it's nuances, I guess like every position. Being tight with the pitcher is really fun, and the throw to second never gets old.
  20. woodworkingboy

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    I know a very rich man that made his fortune designing medical equipment.