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  1. Szajer

    Bixler Treework Climbing & Cutting

    I had seen you had a few redirects set up to manage the run of the rope. My last removal I had done the same and the limb jammed between the line and the trunk while resting on the redirect. Cost me 20minutes in re-rigging and climbing. :(
  2. Szajer

    Seems Globalization Contributes to Invasive Insect Outbreaks.

    Better hope this never gets out to the homeless. We'll be dodging broken bodies strewn about the road, from those who didn't collect the discarded cigarette butts -before the traffic signals went green.
  3. Szajer

    Official animal thread!

    Resplendent in her spread ....
  4. Szajer

    SRT anchoring question

    What would suck though if the injured being lowered, gets hung up on any number of things we encounter.
  5. Szajer

    Kids climbing equipment

    They won't forget this either.... I know I wouldn't...
  6. Szajer

    Reiteration and water sprouts

    I guess I can add this to the 'what I learned today thread.' Thanks again TL!
  7. Szajer

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I believe you're right. But I'm basing this from what was— and from what I've noticed today, is that attitude of a women not performing as well, in a male dominated profession -isn't happening. So though the stigma may still exist ideologically, socially it's unacceptable -and therefore...
  8. Szajer

    Thanks to G.F Beranek

    My "Gerry" was John Woodall. I couldn't even begin to express how fortunate I was to have him as my only mentor.
  9. Szajer

    Mistakes, Accidents and Near Misses.

    Yep, this profession is dangerous.
  10. Szajer

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Great! Nice addition! Bet the owners of the vehicles were either sweating it out watching from a distance, or bitching about the dust and debris on their cars as they returned. :lol: Edit: pic 6 seems to have a guy sitting in the scoop. Obviously no OSHA present where you're from....
  11. Szajer

    Mistakes, Accidents and Near Misses.

    Not sure if I posted this here, but I have in another forum. Story and pic pulled from that site and pasted here.
  12. Szajer

    NHRA Fast Cars

    A favorite -back when, was Lee Zeinert's 'Darth Vega' These aren't my pics. I pulled them from google. It was 1979 when I last seen this chassis.
  13. Szajer

    Reiteration and water sprouts

    Thank-you sir. Informative....
  14. Szajer

    Wall of Shame: Wannabe Experts

    I blame his hair style.
  15. Szajer

    Mistakes, Accidents and Near Misses.

    Good thing then huh... That rope would've damn near bifurcated you.
  16. Szajer

    Demise of the Barrel Coil

    Took me a minute too, then I seen the plans written on the cardboard. It's the wutchamacallit model for the rope thingy. :lol:
  17. Szajer

    Removing Palms-Advice Needed

    Along the local bike trail here, kids will ignite the dead fronds at night. By morning they'll be a dozen or so still smoldering. Trunk gets slightly charred but not much more. The one you posted would burn up reeeeeaaal gooooooood....
  18. Szajer

    NHRA Fast Cars

    I keep saying, not with an iPad. It just doesn't work this way :(
  19. Szajer

    2014 Treehouse Tee Shirts

    $$$ picked up by post today! Boy O Boy O Boy O Boy!!! Thanks again butch.....
  20. Szajer

    O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

    I had purchased a few Yale Dynasorb lines that came in a bag. Is this what you're referring to? If so, it works perfectly. From their bag to mine, no twists, knots or kinks.