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  1. Szajer

    Aerating and Inoculating for Health

    The finer roots, the ones you don't realize you're hitting, then yes, rather invasive. But in comparison -just as most treatments for cancer kill you to cure you, aerating isn't all that intrusive.
  2. Szajer

    Aerating and Inoculating for Health

    I can't even remember the hours spent aerating with a auger and 2" bit. That would rock the body more than splitting with a sledge and wedge. We would drill a grid under -and just beyond the drip line of the canopy, one foot squared. Then fill each hole with a mix of vermiculite and whatever...
  3. Szajer

    August Hunicke Videos

    This doesn't mean you're off the hook with yours! So get busy ;)
  4. Szajer

    I snore

    It's bad, so I'm told. Was married for 12 years though combined with dating, we were together for nearly 20. We slept apart the entire time. Well, life happens and you find yourself divorced. I've been with my g/f now for two years- and we too sleep apart. It's that loud. I'm not having...
  5. Szajer

    Mistakes, Accidents and Near Misses.

    Run it under warm water and rub a little butter on it, it'll be fine.
  6. Szajer

    Before & After Tree Care

    John & Sarah Woodall of "Woodall Tree Preservation" Vienna Ohio The longest I've ever spent pruning was 6hrs straight. Everything here in Fla. an average of 3-4hrs. I've never been in a bucket, though I would've loved to.. My old boss had kicked around the idea of getting one, but all our...
  7. Szajer

    SRT anchoring question

    My last ISA climbing competition was on a hot summer day and I had partied the night before with friends. My last event was the arial rescue and I was spent by my turn. Well, the local news happened to begin filming as I was descending with the dummy, which was heavy as hell! As I got to the...
  8. Szajer

    Stand Up Climbing Systems

    Might I suggest you find a radioactive spider and let him bite you -instead of all this?
  9. Szajer

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    Windy 15-20mph Cloudy 63 degrees
  10. Szajer

    August Hunicke Videos

    Yeah, I'm surprised -pitbull doesn't bother me as all other rap does. Lyrics were somewhat fitting as well. Dude, you should've tried your hand at directing. You have a talent.
  11. Szajer

    August Hunicke Videos

    :lol: @ :49 sec. Edit: that was thoroughly enjoyable! ;)
  12. Szajer

    Wall of Shame: Wannabe Experts

    Not sure if I was seeing this right or not, the video is lack luster— but was the crane's headache ball connected to him? He didn't appear to be tied in either....
  13. Szajer

    The Movie/TV/New Releases Thread

    I liked the first one -how it had multiple stories. Wonder if this ones done the same...
  14. Szajer


    I love gals with muscular quads ;) Edit: notice Chelsea Clinton behind her didn't care for her show boating. :lol:
  15. Szajer

    Bixler Treework Climbing & Cutting

    GET OUTTA HERE! :lol: That was great! I love how your groundman came running! NOTHING- beats a good groundman. Nothing....
  16. Szajer


    :notworthy: BRAVO!
  17. Szajer

    Wall of Shame: Wannabe Experts

    CHRIST ALMIGHTY! I can't stand it when people rev the throttle a bunch of times before they cut! How irritating.
  18. Szajer

    Yosemite Again

    Man I gotta get out there before I'm 50. My g/f and I are planning Joshua tree first though...
  19. Szajer


    Allow me to brag about TreeStuff for a moment. I've sent at least six "ask an expert" questions so far about product-- and each one was answered in depth —and within the day, sometimes the hour from when I asked. This in itself, has me sold that these guys are first class! I can't wait for...
  20. Szajer

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Every time I see someone wearing the Protos helmet, it makes me want one even more. Stylish. Sure hope they vent well, it gets reeeeaaaaaaaal hot here......