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  1. lxskllr

    The Official Critter Thread

    I read an article on people in the UK building hedgehog highways. This isn't the article, but it gives the reason why...
  2. lxskllr

    The Official Critter Thread

    Too bad they don't keep their spots. That's a good looking coat.
  3. lxskllr

    The Official Critter Thread

    The stages of an Osprey as it dives into the water to hunt.
  4. lxskllr

    The Official Critter Thread

    I heard you should take them in the direction they were heading or they'll head back. Turtles are cool interesting critters. I always felt especially bad for them on land clearing jobs. They have zero chance of getting away when the machines roll in. Find their shattered shells after it was...
  5. lxskllr

    The Official Critter Thread

    I was looking at Blackie sitting in the grass, and saw something move by him. My first thought was a bunny he caught, but he's not a hunter. He's scared of me, so I figured it would be an easy save. I went out to get the critter. We grow our bunnies a little different out this way. I think it'll...
  6. lxskllr

    The Official Critter Thread

    Bastards were eating my clover :^D There were two of them... That wasn't unexpected. When I bought some seed last year, another customer in the shop asked if I was using it to bait deer. If the clover keeps them from eating my chestnut seedling, it'll be money well spent.
  7. lxskllr

    The Official Critter Thread

    What kind of snake?
  8. lxskllr

    The Official Critter Thread

    I've never had wild turkey(aside from whiskey! :^D ). That's something I'd like to try. "Not like a Butterball" is a good start.
  9. lxskllr

    The Official Critter Thread
  10. lxskllr

    The Official Critter Thread

    How come you don't like turkeys Ed?
  11. lxskllr

    The Official Critter Thread

    My girl cat continues to impress me with her English skills. I mentioned before that she knew she was "the sister", even though it's an abstraction that she's never called directly. She'll also get in my lap when I invite her by saying "you can come up". She'll be on the floor looking at me...
  12. lxskllr

    The Official Critter Thread

    He didn't do too bad. Looks like they max out at about 20 years old. 14 is in the ballpark of average lifespan.
  13. lxskllr

    The Official Critter Thread

    I'll grab my boy's tail suddenly to make him yell, and the girl's on him like ugly on a monkey. If it's only a little yell, she just stands guard. If he makes a big yell, or more than one, she pulls out the can of whoop ass, and beats the shit out of him, hissing the whole time. And I swear to...
  14. lxskllr

    The Official Critter Thread

    It's really the breath that tells the tale. You might be right :^D
  15. lxskllr

    The Official Critter Thread

    That's pretty cold. As long as the wind stays away, it shouldn't be too awful.
  16. lxskllr

    The Official Critter Thread

    I've heard mice referred to as 'the potato chips of the animal world' cause everything eats them :^D I don't like killing mice, but they're destructive little assholes. I'd be more than happy to give them a safe place to overwinter, and I'd feed, water, and change their latrine material...
  17. lxskllr

    The Official Critter Thread

    Heh... I wouldn't call it "heavy". It's pretty basic for tech crowds, which is where I spent a lot of time hanging out. It's like us talking chainsaws. Even me as a non pro, knows a vast amount more than the average person, and they'd be bewildered listening to the details, even though it isn't...
  18. lxskllr

    The Official Critter Thread

    Grab him before he gets away!
  19. lxskllr

    The Official Critter Thread

    That's a baby that can't yet care for itself :^O Article...
  20. lxskllr

    The Official Critter Thread

    The roos are pretty cool. I could do without the snakes though... D^: