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  1. Knotorious

    In The News...

    If that X post is accurate, then I got misled by the mainstream media. That's really messed up and disappointing...if true. Now I really don't know who to trust anymore in the news regarding much of anything. Which is why I try to avoid watching the news. How can you call yourself a journalist...
  2. lxskllr

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  3. Dave Shepard

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

    Must be related to that Triple L Woodworking girl on YouTube!
  4. Nutball

    In The News...

    He might teach us Americans how to take down a tree in tight places without damaging structures. Not good for the crane and bucket market.
  5. Maximalist

    In The News...

    I really would like to know what kind of trouble I might get into?)
  6. CurSedVoyce

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  7. CurSedVoyce

    The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

  8. Maximalist

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    There were three birches today. We did it in 4 hours -
  9. Kaveman

    In The News...

    Keep max out of this, he could legit get into trouble.
  10. Tree09


    Lol beat me to it 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  11. Tree09

    In The News...

    No idea why you would try to bring max into this, we're not talking about him at all, he's as irrelevant to this as we are, so stop with your red herrings. Yes he's cool and is a hell of a tree guy, but his country totally sucks because its run by a fascist criminal fuckwad, something i would...
  12. Kaveman

    How'd it go today?

    So if I fight my phone long enough, I can get the mobile hotspot turned on, then using my other, older, phone, I can gain access to the interwebs! This is good for morale. Found a few places up in showlow that can fix the borked screen on my Samsung, which I'll need to do even if I want to...
  13. Mick!


    Most people who try crack cocaine find it a bit more-ish as well! :)
  14. Nutball

    In The News...

    Funny, you're one to talk. The media is easily bought and controlled. So Russia = bad & dishonest? I'm sure they say the same about us. @Maximalist is Russian, and he's a nice guy. All I did was check out 1 tweet, and entertained the possibility. Maybe it was friendly fire. Maybe it serves to...
  15. Tree09

    In The News...

    Ok, but once again it's not equal, you can't just say both sides are using propaganda so all facts are meaningless because they have "alternative facts," that's not how any of this works. To answer your question on why would Russia do that, it's because horrible acts like this are designed to...
  16. lxskllr

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    Tomorrow is an "energy savings day"... This stuff's written for other people. If I turned my ac up 10°, it would be at 90°. I set it to 84° when I leave, but that's as high as I'll go. I don't get much of a rebate for saving money cause I'm on the edge of comfort all year. My energy usage...
  17. SeanKroll

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    I taught my daughter about using a upright stick jabbed into the ground on a sunny day to determine east-west with the stick's shadow. Turned on the A/C. High of 97 in town. Cooler on the peninsula by a few degrees. Irrigating ... better late than never.
  18. Nutball

    In The News...

    I figured he was just some random dude on twitter, never gave him much credibility anyway, but the question still stands, and when there's war, there's propaganda and counter propaganda on both sides.
  19. Tree09

    How'd it go today?

    It's just microwave radiation, a shorter wavelength than radio waves but longer than infrared. The smaller the wavelength the more dangerous because it carries far more energy, and all 3 of those have a larger wavelength than visible light.