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  1. davidwyby

    Tree felling vids

  2. davidwyby

    Tree felling vids

  3. davidwyby

    Tree felling vids

    I can be pretty cowboy and mad scientist experimental, but I would have cowboy’d that differently. Maybe will stir up a hornets nest but more likely a bunch of eyerolls 😆
  4. davidwyby

    Tree felling vids

    Interesting to see it from the top
  5. davidwyby

    Tree felling vids

    Thanks Closest thing I can think of would be madrone, but I think it’s longer grained and more prone to chair. Maybe maple or something. I had a theory that thicker held longer but when I made this compilation it occurred to me that the ones that seemed to hold longer were 80’ trees(winched...
  6. davidwyby

    Tree felling vids

    I met this guy at a GTG once. Kick to be around. Reminds me I need to lighten up and have fun.
  7. davidwyby

    Tree felling vids

    Probably just as good as any place to ask. When gutting the hinge, is there any formula on how much to take or leave? Assume brittle green eucalyptus. Thanks
  8. davidwyby

    Tree felling vids

    I think this might be more effective in bending or compression than tension.
  9. davidwyby

    Tree felling vids

  10. davidwyby

    Tree felling vids

    What is the purpose of girdling tops? Thanks
  11. davidwyby

    Tree felling vids

    I was thinking the same! I meant to comment and ask but forgot.
  12. davidwyby

    Tree felling vids

  13. davidwyby

    Tree felling vids

    Turns out it's a predatory beetle that eats the larvae of cambium eating beetles. So he's our homie...shouldn't have squished him. Didn't know there was such a thing.
  14. davidwyby

    Tree felling vids

  15. davidwyby

    Tree felling vids

    Partial uprooting is a thing west coast logging from what I’ve seen. Heavy tree, heavy lean, stringy wood. I think it would be better to bore and trigger those, but that would be a chore due to size.
  16. davidwyby

    Tree felling vids

  17. davidwyby

    Tree felling vids

    I like to back bar, less crap in the face. Especially dead oaks in the mountains. The bark feels like getting sand blasted.
  18. davidwyby

    Tree felling vids

    Simply gunning more to the right would have helped a lot.
  19. davidwyby

    Tree felling vids

  20. davidwyby

    Tree felling vids

    Dunno…it’s one of those ones that been reposted so many times you can’t find the origin etc. irritating. It does look like there was another tree he back up against and got squished. Bad day for sure. I’m interested in thoughts on what all went wrong and how to avoid. Obviously have more room...