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  1. FireFighterZero

    How'd it go today?

    You might be talking about Indians in the west. I just have to remember that I chose to live amongst the foxes. Back in the day...I used to kill everything that was annoying. I still do...but I used to as well.
  2. FireFighterZero

    How'd it go today?

    Ha! I don't know why everyone hates them. I found a fox hole next to an abandoned cistern that is used as a roost for pigeons. The fox hole is covered up in pigeon bones!
  3. FireFighterZero

    How'd it go today?

    Foxes are fun to listen to in the early morning. They don't sound like a cat or a dog.
  4. FireFighterZero

    How'd it go today?

  5. FireFighterZero

    How'd it go today?

    I am on my way there! They said if you still had your hair at 35 you would most likely keep it. As per usual...they were wrong.
  6. FireFighterZero

    How'd it go today?

    Yes. 6'3".
  7. FireFighterZero

    How'd it go today?

    Daniel and his best friend wrestling calves.
  8. FireFighterZero

    How'd it go today?

    Group picture after a friends branding.
  9. FireFighterZero

    Tiny houses

    Stuff is fugging terrible.
  10. FireFighterZero

    alternatives in land use

    That's cool. I will watch that later and ask the wife. We have some cover crops to seed this year. An outfit called the Climate Beneficial Fiber Project wants to throw bucket loads of cash at us to plant them and such.
  11. FireFighterZero

    How'd it go today?

  12. FireFighterZero

    The Official Happy Birthday thread!!!

    My birthday was really bad. But so was the last one!
  13. FireFighterZero

    How'd it go today?

    Broke my range shifter last year. Fixed it and Ham Hands Richard broke it again. Piss on it I says....built a new one out of .500 cold rolled.
  14. FireFighterZero

    How'd it go today?

    Holy cow! Sorry that I missed this...what happened?
  15. FireFighterZero

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    They just upgraded us to 49 below and 75 windchill.
  16. FireFighterZero

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    Supposed to be 45 below tonight with a 70 below wind chill.
  17. FireFighterZero


    Yes. You were right. I went back and watched the video. Birch bark.
  18. FireFighterZero


    I probably don't swing it right. Sometimes I get kinda nasty with it.
  19. FireFighterZero


    Oh geeze...maybe it was birch. I sometimes watch a videos from a Danish dude that lives in Russia now. He was showing how to light a Russian stove with bark. It probably was birch.
  20. FireFighterZero


    It seems like most of Eastern Europe burns beech. Apparently beech bark is great kindling.