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  1. stig

    Regarding Covid

    Crude oil wasn't refined till mid 1800. So what oil companies were responsible for the Afghans being war like earlier than that was my point.
  2. stig

    Regarding Covid

    You said they were actually a pretty peaceul bunch, till your oil companies frigged it up. At the time of those battles, oil was something you got by wringing a whale.
  3. stig

    Regarding Covid

    So the battles of the Khyber pass and Ali Masjid were about oil. News to me.
  4. stig

    Regarding Covid

    Of course there is no difference between a bunch of city flks, who basically hadn't fought since the Diaspora, and a bunch of mountain tribes, who have spent the last 4 centuries fighting foreigners, each other and in fact, anything that moved. Obviously not.. My bad.
  5. stig

    Regarding Covid

    Pretty much an asshole thing to say. Not my fault you don't read books. I do study history. My last read was about Berchtesgaden and how everything was bought up by the top Nazis, simply by threatening those unwilling to sell with the camps. After taking their guns away first, of course:|:
  6. stig

    Regarding Covid

    When the fuch did I do that? I just get tired of that made up thing about how a bunch of tailors and small shop owners could have gone up against the World's largest military power " If only they had been allowed to keep their arms". Also, the jews of Germany " who were made to give up their...
  7. stig

    Regarding Covid

    So you can rejoice that you have your arms. According to Scott, the jews could have saved themselves if they had been armed.
  8. stig

    Regarding Covid

    Well, you could call him a drug expert, I guess.
  9. stig

    Regarding Covid

    And as we all know, the US is the whole World.
  10. stig

    Regarding Covid

    My favourite Humbold county bumber sticker: "WARNING; I brake for hallucinations."
  11. stig

    Regarding Covid

    Which was my point. Got to admit that your non- sarcastic way might work better.
  12. stig

    Regarding Covid

    Isn't that how natural immunity works? Once you're dead no bug can get you. And even better, you don't have to put up with Murphy. Can't wait, really.
  13. stig

    Regarding Covid

    With 25 million Aussies, it would be weird of you couldn't find enough Conspiracy believers to fill a demonstration.
  14. stig

    Regarding Covid

    Personally, I'm quite happy it is coming back. I REALLY miss social distancing. Best thing ever.
  15. stig

    Regarding Covid

    Fear and desperation was what created the communist movement. Fat lot of historical knowledge you have.
  16. stig

    Regarding Covid

    Scott, I did not say limited intelligence. I'd never do that. Except, Murphy is a border line case, I think. I said lack of historical knowledge. Read up on how the citizens of DDR were treated and how the English populated Australia, and then call me wrong. Steal a loaf of bread and you were...
  17. stig

    Regarding Covid

    Love the total lack of historical knowledge in that video. Turned into the World's largets prison. What did it start as? And no, the rest of the World is not asking what is going on down there. The anti vaxxers are. We had a women locked up for incitement, too. She went up and spoke in a...
  18. stig

    Regarding Covid

    I can promise you that I'll never force my 7 year old to get vaccinated. He'd probably bite me on the leg.
  19. stig

    Regarding Covid

    My best friend since childhood has been fighting and sadly losing a loooong battle with liver cancer. He came by on his motorcycle last weekend, since that was the last day insurance would let him drive, before winter. He figured to be dead before spring, so even though it was nasty weather, he...
  20. stig

    Regarding Covid

    Leukemia! I was told in no uncertain terms when this shit started, that it would kill me. At the shape I was in back then, so would the flu, or at least put me in intensive care for a long time. I had orders to go to the onkology department at the hospital promptly, if I started running a...