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  1. Husky385

    What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

    high 60's overcast here
  2. Husky385

    On The Water

    Heres a Hobie Kayak Adventure Island being used in Florida Great video IMO Forgot to mention, peddle and or paddle power, as you know is a good cardio workout..
  3. Husky385

    On The Water

    Well with a Hobie Island you can break it down in a few minutes and use it as a standard Kayak. Another thing with a Kayak you can access shallow rivers,like we have in my area. Offshore, shallow rivers, lakes, paddle, peddle or sail best of all worlds, and last but not least stealth, no...
  4. Husky385

    On The Water

    Talking about on the water, I've jst orderd one of these from the good old USofA should be here in six weeks sigh! I shall rig mine for fishing, with sail...
  5. Husky385

    My New 23GT and trailer

    Nice one Koa, you're an inspiration mate... How much do those fronds weigh on average?
  6. Husky385

    What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

    Som Tam tonight heavy on the chili and dried shrimp..........
  7. Husky385


    Thanks guys I'm off brisket buying tomoz..
  8. Husky385


    No smoker here, slow roast in the oven... So what goes into a rub?
  9. Husky385


    Anyone got a good brisket recipe? fancy trying a good brisket this coming weekend.. Thanks
  10. Husky385


    No disrespect guys but I've never seen a more stupid game, some playes don't even touch the ball? soccer rules.........
  11. Husky385

    Bio-Barrier Installation

    Gotcha, how long will the herbicide last?
  12. Husky385

    Bio-Barrier Installation

    Why not just use a root deflector, imo putting more chemicals into the rhizoshere, can't be good long term
  13. Husky385

    Bio-Barrier Installation

    Expect a lot of crown die-back on that tree, you'd have been far better off using an Air-Spade and making clean cuts with a silky root saw and loppers, just my opinion..
  14. Husky385

    Everything Must Go

    I sold up a few months back, everythings gone except my tractor and thats for sale, best thing I ever did, all I do now is PHC and a little consultancy.. No staff, very little kit , no headaches!
  15. Husky385

    Bucket List

    All I want, is to see my kids grow into healthy decent adults, and maybe see a few grandchildren, anything else will be a bonus.. Simple things these days such as a spot of fishing with my son, a nice meal out with the wife, a holiday now and again, satisfy me.. Congratulations Nate and Mrs...
  16. Husky385

    Decay Detection Devices.

    Not a good idea in my opinion, I have a Resistograph and I've never sealed the wholes...
  17. Husky385

    What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

    hard boiled eggs, German salami, cheddar cheese, sauerkraut, dill pickles [gherkins to us Brits] rolls and beer...
  18. Husky385

    update from central lousiana

    I'm pleased to hear hes ok
  19. Husky385

    Cabling and Lightning Protection WORKshop

    Will Ben [arbor bolt] be visiting Guy?
  20. Husky385

    Gustav is coming!!!!

    How bad was MB's city hit anyone know?