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  1. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    That was my point. It was so well done, there was hardly any telegraphing. I sparred hard with the European middle weight champion back around 90. Got put down by one just like it. Sure didn't see that one coming, either.
  2. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    Just saw this one. Very nicely executed, with hardly any windup or telegraphing. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  3. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    Both, probably.
  4. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    I'm not an idiot. At least not that much of one.
  5. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    Here is a good martial arts story for you. Just thought of it for some reason. About 20 years ago I was doing a series of self defense seminars in different sports karate dojos. Basically showing students of sports karate, how they could make their training a bit more self defence like, by...
  6. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    No guns on the streets here, Butch. That is simply not a thing one has to worry about.
  7. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    It was a case of road rage. There is an old guy who goes shopping in our nearby town with a horsedrawn buggy. I've seen him a lot of times. One fine saturday I ended up going into the "downtown" area behind him. Lots of traffic coming the other way, so no chance to pass. I didn't care, wasn't in...
  8. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    I train twice a week. I'd be hopeless against a well trained fighter like you, but had a run in with one of our muslim immigrants this summer. 20 some years old and used to people being afraid of him simply because he was an arab. That didn't work so well with me. I manhandled him a bit, yelled...
  9. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    Just thought I should let you know that I'm not envious. Not even the tiniest little bit. Nope!
  10. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    Now that sounds like a nice way to do a vacation. Enjoy!
  11. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    Nice gi, but I'm too much of a traditionalist to like the color:lol: BJJ is fun and works quite well if one is unfortunate enough to end up on the ground. I like the logic of it and the way there is no: " Well we do it this way, because that is the awy O-sensei did it". That was the part of me...
  12. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    Getting back to what actually works in a real life and death situation: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  13. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    I love the guy, and if you watch some of his videos, you'll see that he is quite skilled. Here is another one, I mean this is the stuff we need to train in order to be ready for the future. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"...
  14. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    If you are really serious about the martial arts, I recommend Master Ken: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>