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  1. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    Tr posting tyhe link again, it didn't come up.
  2. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    Plus, no-one who has actually done it, can imagine how hard it is physically.
  3. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    15 years old! Look how fast she transitions from a triagle choke on one side to the other when the first one doesn't work in the last fight! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media...
  4. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> 3 really fine matches. I really enjoyed them. Especially the slipping out of a fully set...
  5. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    The ranking system in karate has long gone astray. Now they give black belts to fat kids. That is why I wear a plain black belt and have refused to recognize the rank I should have. Actually, if it wasn't to late for that, I'd have never tested for black belt ( A thing that took me 20+ years...
  6. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    I'd be cool about going up against an 11 year old, I think. Maybe wait a couple of weeks for the effects of the Chemo to wear off some more, but then, sure. It'll be great to see Haakon develope over the years, if he sticks with it. See him getting some punching power and some tecniques that...
  7. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    Rich, I always have 11 minutes for this kind of thing. For their age, that was a fine match. Quite enjoyable to watch, and did set me in an " Oh sweet bird of youth" kinda mode.
  8. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    Right on!
  9. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    You can't fight full contact without getting the occasional cracked or broken rib. I've tried that more than a few times in my youth. Worst was being hit by a Japanese fighter, who timed it so his first knuckle hit a single rib, breaking it clean. Took a long time before I was able to laugh...
  10. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    My dad and I got up at 3 in the night to watch the " Rumble in the jungle" It is always the right time to watch a great fight. That one was really something.
  11. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    That is a good way of saying it, Gary. I like that.
  12. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    A lot of that comes from the fact that when someone starts doing martial arts, they don't know enough about it to make an educated choice. They just pick the nearest one, the one with the most handsome instructor or whatever their good buddy happens to be doing. Then they are told by their...
  13. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    Kata is a teaching tool, nothing more. A way to remember tecniques and train them, and a way to pass them on to others. Somewhat obsolete today, when we can just videotape them. Unfortunately it has been turned into a competition sport, which has ruined it. Now it is about screaming loud...
  14. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    Guys like that sure make karate seem ridiculous.
  15. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    Not as vicious as this guy, though :lol:: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  16. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    That is the Go-Ju also known as hard -soft philosophy of karate. against a sword or knife, stepping off line is smarter thanmeeting it head on. But then I don't need to tell you that:)
  17. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    That was a pretty funny post, Mick. " Charming and endearing" had me laughing to bust a gut. That " before the bones in his hand are shattered" is why Tameshiwari work, to harden one's hands was and still should be such an important part of karate training. In my heyday I could stand a brick...
  18. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    The long time brain damage comes from being hit many times. Not so much in fights as in all the sparring one does. Gloves makes it possible to sustain more hits without being knocked out, than bare knuckles do. So more superficial damage as in broken facial bones from bare knuckles, more...
  19. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    They are not. Young man's game. Actually it has been shown that you get less lasting brain damage from bareknuckle fighting than from using gloves.
  20. stig

    The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

    What a fantastic thing for Haakon to experience.