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  1. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Well Dave if you want I'll load up the boys and we'll go rob that train for real and give them something to experience. That or just start burning a pile of old chips in a burn barrel out front, I know I get complaints from every one of my neighbors when I do that. Maybe their like other "bugs"...
  2. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Dave, if they wanna make noise just set your amp up on the porch and strum that bass till they hear you down town. Today I got called in to remove a bunch of walnut trees for a local crew, "let it run" was not getting through to them, so I zip lined almost everything. Home owner complimented...
  3. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Made the drive back home today, everyone seems ready to head back north already lol. But a 7 hour car ride is difficult to justify back to back isn't it?
  4. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Spent the day at camp, removed a few trees on the grounds and got my camp fees back, tomorrow is trimming day which will replace my fuel money. Gotta come back after labor day to do the gnarly stuff that I don't want bystanders around for. Looks like it's gonna be a couple good days worth of...
  5. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Big camp dinner and fire. Little boy is my shadow, I'm having a blast
  6. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Family camping in the upper peninsula. Good day of rest so far. Kids get the tent this week. We got us a cabin yay
  7. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Finally camping for fun, took my wife and kids (and mother in law) to the upper peninsula for a week of camping and relaxation. So far the relaxation is making me miss work. So I must be having fun.
  8. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Not sure if it was totally competent but it was loud and my thoughts
  9. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Fairly decent day today, bunch of pines in tight quarters. Thank the gods for cranes lol. Was hoping to get further with the job but we got a lot done with an extremely green crew.
  10. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Took the week off because the ground guy had to deal with a funeral, bosses dad landed in the hospital, and that freed me up to go to the baby doctor with my wife (all is going really good). Spent today looking at property with my wife, nothing worth buying for a building place though
  11. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Sorry to hear about that dude, gotta hurt like hell
  12. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Don't know why it posted sideways
  13. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Here's a pic of my work camp. So far we are having a good week, tomorrow we move into a large storm job (15 busted, uprooting pines)
  14. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    It would, now we all busting on him, needs to trade in his work boots for waders, and I bought him some water proofing boot spray, told him to use it like bug spray lol
  15. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Today I had to nice easy Jobs, first one was notch/flop with clean up. Second was the maples close enough together to use one tie in. Funniest thing though, I had two guys pulling on a rope to direct a spar, way out of reach of danger, and when it started over the rope slacked and one guy fell...
  16. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Did my first rescue today, the other climber decided to take out the top 50 feet of a red oak, tight quarters and a conventional notch ended in the top hitting into another tree and sliding back towards him. Luckily it didn't pop his head off. So we secured the hanging top and got him out of the...
  17. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    That's what I've been doing, just been using a Blake's so long that is a little unnerving
  18. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Took my kid (2 years old) with me today to remove a troublesome squirrel that insisted on living in a friend's house. It was a very nice and easy shot so I held the gun up and let him help scope it and he pulled the trigger. Black squirrel, thought about having it mounted since it's his first...
  19. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Jim, I think you might have as bad of luck as me. And the cartoon idea is great for stress. I watch cartoons with my 2 year old everyday im home. Teenage mutant ninja turtles, transformers, bugs bunny. All the original series though, nothing newer than 1990
  20. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    I made home Wednesday night from working up north. Had my 2 year old glued to me since he saw me. Bid some work local, 50/50 on the success. I guess you can't win them all. Taking Trev woodchuck hunting tomorrow. Hope the weather stays nice.