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  1. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    I picked up another benjamin nitro piston. The varmint .22 the scope is junk but it's the same stock and setup as my prowler .177 so I'm happy. Probably the last step before I pick up a marauder .25. But the prowler kept us in squirrel and rabbit all winter. So I'm excited to see what this .22...
  2. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Took oliver fishing today, he got to eat catfish and sunfish for the first time. Boy does he have an appetite. Then off to the local gander mountain to pick up my new .22 pellet rifle. Then sold some tree work on the way home. I'd better stay home cause when this luck ends it'll be terrible. Lol
  3. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Crane had to cancel this morning because of mechanical issues. So we did it the hard way. Should have it finished up tomorrow after noon.
  4. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Crane job (s) today. Should be fun, I guess I'm just setting slings while the cuts will be made from the lift. Not sure how fun it'll be. But hey I'll ride
  5. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Constant trips back and forth for blood pressure checks, baby movement checks, pre-eclampsia is becoming a concern I guess. But they do not have a room for her yet. I guess it's a busy time of month for them. Looks like a 3 am delivery check in. Long day and long night.
  6. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Today is going to be baby day. Hopefully tonight I will finally see this baby girl
  7. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Good luck, my 2 year old just woke and the wife beat me to the acting asleep.
  8. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    I had an easy day today, little multi stem box elder and a dying red pine. Back to the shop by 11. Could've used more hours but I'll take the short day today. Last night we was up to the hospital till about midnight. Wife has been having labor pains, I guess she's got till Tuesday to go have the...
  9. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    I'm betting that tree will cut blue lol
  10. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Want me to load up a mower and Trevier and come help ya Dave? Could probably claim it all back in a few hours. (George does have that new zero turn)
  11. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Ended up waking up early and getting around to take the chipper for a ride in the country. Got to the site and none of the help showed up. Couldn't even get in the locked gate. (It's at a local gun club) so we decided to go home and relax. Maybe go hunting a little later.
  12. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    It'll pick up. Sometimes I'll get so slow that I start looking into a different job then the phone starts ringing and I'm swamped
  13. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Had a small bass wood tree put me in a big pickle today. Had to be a low impact removal in a garden and the little guy inside me said test before climb, so I shot a throw ball in it and just pulled on the throw line and broke half the top off. So I ended up setting a lot of lines and ropes and...
  14. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    I'm thinking it may be a bit of both. I wish I'd have been this good at climbing during the Dave and Nic show, we'd have been unstoppable lol
  15. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    I'm in the opposite position, every time I think about getting hired in to do this for someone else the work rolls in and I stay on my own. I had been climbing in a cheap pair of hiking boots, then I inherited fiddlers climbing boots. They must be a lucky charm for me or something cause I've...
  16. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Yea, that phone call was definitely some divine intervention, I was about ready to just call it an expired contact and accept the jail time lol. Tomorrow has to be better. On a positive note my feet have never felt this good after climbing, I'm digging these fancy new boots
  17. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    I contacted in for hourly, less dollars per hour but I can fill any of my open days as I want. Problem is that I've become his go to guy and I don't wanna lose that. On the other hand he keeps wanting me to hire in and if I do that I feel I'd have a lot of days like today.
  18. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Today was absolutely terrible, no intelligence on the local crew at all I swear. Hot as hell and I found myself taking down 13 dead spruce trees, set good time on them too, wrecked out in about 20 minutes/tree and I thought that with a tractor and grapple they'd keep up (boy was I wrong) I raked...
  19. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Took the wife to dinner for her birthday last night, was able to have a baby sitter so it was pretty nice time one on one. Now I get to pack up to go back north for a few days. Might be the last trip for a while since she's getting closer to having the baby. Then I'll have to set the world on...
  20. timbertramp

    How'd it go today?

    Its a pretty good town to the north of me. Less than a mile away actually. We sat in one spot and got 20 or so the other day. You ever eat those prairie dogs jim? I know we eat wood chuck around here quite often.