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  1. Peter

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    The triangle or coos bay is good for those, I always bash the largest possible lumps off.
  2. Peter

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Saws can get trapped in the back cut when you knock big lumps off with felling cuts. It may be unlikely but once in a career may be once too many.
  3. Peter

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    If you're cutting large sections, and the saw gets trapped, it would shock load your climbing system. Having the saw on a separate system has been best practise here for around 20 years, although I don't always do it I will detach the saw completely if I'm cutting big chunks, and reattach it...
  4. Peter

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Last osha visit I was involved with the entire site got shut down immediately. He was very positive about the tree work aspect, it was the way the main contractor had set the site up in relation to overhead power lines the caused the issue. We don't actually get random site visits any more...
  5. Peter

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Yup, every piece has to hit dead centre. :)
  6. Peter

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Or easy. I had a nasty one to do years ago, would all have to be rigged down over a garden. Stripped the lowest part of the stem, and straight felled it into a park through a tiny gap in the hedge. Wind just pushed it of nicely.
  7. Peter

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Climbed and rigged lots of lombardies, some rotten and hollow. Hated them early on, but you get used to them.
  8. Peter

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    It's a big-ass Ranger.
  9. Peter

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Is that you in the tree? Please tell me you've got rid of the Willans?
  10. Peter

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    That's not a 2 man job, 4 men for one day maybe.
  11. Peter

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Studies have shown it nearly always occurs in the afternoon/evening. My only experience of it was around 2 pm.
  12. Peter

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    That's a bloody good system Rich, wish there was something like that over here.
  13. Peter

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Probably not in Louisiana, but plenty of peat in the USA.
  14. Peter

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Shortly after I moved to Cambridgeshire I had a job for a farmer, clearing a load of trees around a derelict house. To keep costs down he asked me to burn it all on site, which I did. It was a pretty big fire and a few days later he rang up asking if I had a digger..... Turned out the fire had...
  15. Peter

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    We have both the Cameraria moth and the Phytophera. When it first arrived we were felling chestnuts left right and centre, but now it looks like a significant proportion of them can actually cope with both problems ok. I have three old ones in my paddock, they look pretty good until later on in...
  16. Peter

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    No cables, has been reduced quite heavily in the past.
  17. Peter

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I think it's actually two separate trees. It's a stoopid place for a tree, but it's one of a handful of large prominent trees in this village, and the TO is unable to give consent for removal without strong evidence, hence the picus.
  18. Peter

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Had a consultant in yesterday to do a Picus test on a Horse Chestnut yesterday, client is desperate to get rid of the tree but I don't think it's going to go her way somehow.
  19. Peter

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Cool, always puzzles me why some arbs think comp climbers aren't any good on the job, my experience is the top competitors are also excellent tree workers.