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  • Users: Jed
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  1. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Yeah… I tend to forget this trick way too often. :|: Hemlock and some maples today.
  2. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Yup. Walking away can be a good thing for sure. I haven’t yet, due (probably mostly) to ego issues, but I do believe there’s a time and a place. I’ve also never really dealt with old growth.
  3. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Wow Sean. Thanks to you, I love Main now. Husky D: Thank you so very, very, very, much, man I NEVER see stuff like that. Had to fall a Maple stem (5 feet, on the stump) and then a full grown Cottonwood (also 5’, but this time dbh) today for Scotty and Brian’s crew. The Cottonpig got away...
  4. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Yer a man Patrick... that’s brutality this time of year.
  5. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Coupla pics today from the butt of this pig... we all took turns on the ground chunkin with Jake’s old, four foot Cannon, Gordybuilt 88.😂. Maybe I’ll also try another of my semi-viewable videos.:|: Can’t go THAT badly... only drank a pint of Budweiser and two shots of vodka. Not bad eh Paul?;)
  6. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Gary: THAT was cool. Kyle (and Paul)... oh!... I see... it didn’t even show up. No matter... I’ll just stick to pictures from now on. Better for the tech-challenged.
  7. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Oh, sorry Paul... probably SHOULD “lay off the sauce,”. I only thought that I was individually responding to people’s personal posts. Didn’t realize I was cluttering up this whole place.:O DUDE! I only drank two IPA’s at 8.5% alchy. Maybe I’d do better as a teetotaler! Wow. Sorry gents...
  8. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

  9. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

  10. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

  11. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

  12. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

  13. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Yeah, cool vid Rich. Super cool to see Rooted throwing up some rad pics in here. I’m about to spend the rest of the evening trying to play catch up on this thread cause I’m a dummy. Speaking of that... here’s a bad one I done today.
  14. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Yeah Cory... I got photographic evidence bro. Or ask our friend Rooted from Eastern WA... days of sunshine per year: 3 hundo. Rad pics py the way Rooted. Love the top in mid-air. Cottonwoods halfta die.
  15. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Thanks John. Pretty fun job all told even if there were a few white knuckle shots.
  16. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    So now I’m just dumping on you guys.😑
  17. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Man there’s some awesome work going on in here. Super impressed by Ruel’s stump. Yeah Burnham, Stephan’s killin it these days. Impressed by the new guy from Eastern WA. Meanwhile, back in Western WA... resi-cottonwood loggin😂
  18. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Looks like Washington. I’m sorry.
  19. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

  20. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I love Elm man. People are super racist against Elm imho. Yeah Jon, Rajan nailed it. Flying squirrel. The little guy ran down the log and then launched off the butt. I was super surprised to see him deploy his wing-suit for the little four foot drop to the dirt. Creature of habit.