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  • Users: Jed
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  1. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I want to move to St. Petersburg.
  2. Jed

    Tree felling vids

    Jake done good imho
  3. Jed

    Tree felling vids

  4. Jed

    Tree felling vids

  5. Jed

    Your biggest blunder?

    That's actually a super cool idea Sean. Well... better than that, really, since, probably the perfect amount of time has passed for it to sink in with the utmost sincerity. The guy was super cool, man. You'd have never seen a heavier heart over the whole mess. The trouble with me is that...
  6. Jed

    Your biggest blunder?

    Gentlemen and Fiona: Corey Bailey just coaxed me back in here because I am an idiot, and a super lazy imbecile who doesn't deserve to pop in here, but nonetheless, here goes, since Corey texted me. Uhhh... So... About 3 months ago I had a very problematic white pine to remove in...
  7. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Rooted: Awsome pics. Good to see some future up here in the House... once Andre, Stig, Brian, Corey and Fiona die... what are we all gonna do? Andre: I cannot thank you enough for all of the pictures that you continually get up in here. By the way are you Orthodox or atheist? I converted...
  8. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Thanks brothers, and yeah Stig, If you ever smoke (or even cook) a Salmon over Red Alder, you’ll pretty much die and go to Heaven. Btw, guess what they recently learned in Valhalla: That a thousand years ago, the Swedes used to beat the living smoke out of conifers every year, (with an old...
  9. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Well Sean... Good job going home without a broken leg is all I can say on that one. I am scared of alders. Rajan: Nice.You never fail to put up some really impressive work. East Coast Sean Ruel: I really miss working with you. I am slightly jealous of East Coast life in Maine. Sven looks...
  10. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Gerry: What vital 😂. HA!!! I would trade it all for five seconds banging wedges for you in the 80’s/90’s when you had the 056 in your hands. Bad mounts, I know, I know. I actually quite enjoyed that pig, but I never had to run er much. 145’ dog hair today. Little pig was 22”dbh!
  11. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    😂😂... makes me think of a how to deal with millennials YouTube video. Cory: at long last, you actually give us some pictures. You are the world‘s worst hold out. Stig: You know that I would chew through iron bars for the chance to learn the ways of the short bar Ninja. I am a deplorable...
  12. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Oh my dear goodness! How would everyone I know not put me on ignore 24-7! Forgiveness brothers! Only thing that can keep the inbred going. On that note, I got to get two trainees up there today. Sent Julio up a 130’ Cedar, but it was just way too much tree for him and I had to go up and...
  13. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Keep up!... dude you’ve surpassed me man, I’m getting super sloppy. My new thing is just to get the wood in the shot as fast as I possibly can. Kinda fun, but, not being a timber faller, it makes for some sloppy cuts.😔. I’m with corey on yer hinge. Rajan: Yeah... completely engulfed by the...
  14. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

  15. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Fiona: Our company buys those from the American corporation known as Arborwear. I dislike plastic clothing unless it’s impermeable. Arborwear makes nothing impermeable. Ger: Thanks so much.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rich: Yeah man, she was marmed out. Check this Arbutus from today out:
  16. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Man Rich! Nice stump dude. cottonwood yesterday, bucket send... maple today
  17. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Pfanner. DUDE!!: DON’T use European sizing charts! If they say to you that a 46cm= a 12... well then, please know that this is a lie. American Public Service Announcement: If you guys wear a 12 American, it is NOT A 46 Euro... it is a 47. At least as far as Pfanner goes. If you guys...
  18. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Good stuff Stephen and Rich.👍 Gary: Pretty stump. Nice Sizwill show. Another 49” Firpig. Been rushing my cuts a ton cause it’s fun to try to get the wood down fast. Rethinking that cause it’s almost funner to make em super pretty.😆
  19. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Yeah I love those Eucs, and yeah Rajan... you can keep yer Honylocusts😂. Amazing firewood though, since Sean brought up the subject. More clinkerless Fir today.
  20. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Mulberry?? I’m guessing (and only by the bark, mind you) Fir today...