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  • Users: Jed
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  1. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    No worries Stig: This fallen world can make for a cruel, cruel trip and no mistake. Good on ya for not forgetting about the guy. Stephen: Awsome and beautiful work. Nice to see you guys got some snow. Ohio Rich: You call that a mistake brother?... looked smooth as grease to me.😂. Saw cut...
  2. Jed

    Regarding Covid

    Don’t worry dear friends. Biden has fixed EVERYTHING! Three months hence... none of us will even remember this mind-alteringly horrific, deadly pandemic that kills next to no one. That silly Trump didn’t want to work hard enough to handle it properly.:lol:... but Joe ain’t afraid to roll up...
  3. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Ohhh!!! Nice Rich!! Randy Savage lol
  4. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Gary: Sir, you win the Tactical Tree Climber of the Universe award. Outstanding thinkmanship. Sean: Quit showin off... I’m darn near legally blind without Coke-bottle contacts/glasses. Upside is, when I take my glasses off... I’m so stinkin nearsighted that I got super magnified vision for...
  5. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Dude, that stump is like a third of the house. Fiona: You just rock. Do you understand me. Sven: Singlejack in God’s country? Dude I want yer life. Yer a man though. I get pretty scared workin by myself. Worth it though.
  6. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Sorry Pat... definitely do NOT mean to derail. Frankie: Explanatory vid included below. Should get chains in mail early next week.
  7. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

  8. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Dude, no, I never toss em until, (if it’s Stihl chain) it is down to the lazer engraved witness mark. I’m gonna (cause I’m super judgey like that) blame wonkey rails way before I blame the chain. Has a guy closed his rails? Has he filed them down even? If the answer is “yes,” then it has come...
  9. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

  10. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Anyone care to meet me at the Golden West Saloon Hotel circa 1988? Frankie: Madsen’s has a ton of info on their website geared toward shimming the Simington to get er back on a level, but then Michael (their main grinder dude) told me not to do it.:? If the condition worsens, I’m just gonna do...
  11. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Gary/John. I believe that is what Sean (South Sound)calls the magic triangle. That is not a Coosbay, which is more difficult, if faster to cut. It is basically just a vertical hinge. A mohawk? Holding wood only in the center, in a thin, vertical strip. Frankie: The rakers here are not yet done.
  12. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Gotta love the tree to fireplace jobs!👍 Fiona: That’s some super good lookin work right there. Thanks for the pics.
  13. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    One more, sorry.
  14. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    You two have no Idea how jealous I am of both of you for how much you have managed to learn and apply to saws. Work saws gotta last, and race saws gotta win. Jack builds race saws (my buddy has 3 level 6’s) that last. Now go figure THAT one out. Frankie: I am SO sorry brother... we got hit...
  15. Jed

    Wedge Injury

    Just cut wood shims.
  16. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Yeah... rockin vid Cory.
  17. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Sven: Mick agrees with me that the newest electric saws suck. 😆
  18. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Sven and you are the MAN! LOVE the Maine tree work shots. Absolutely love em. Gorgeous place you guys live in even if I disagree about raking in the snow. I rather like it. It’s picking that snotty mess up and putting all that heavy stuff into the bucket and thence into the truck which is...
  19. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    :lol: I wish! Awsome vid Idea Frankie, but to be clear, I only file/grind work chain, and do not clip the end of my cutters, nor grind and polish my rivets down, nor hollow out my rakers for chip-flow. (All of which even a novice race-chain guy would never dream of foregoing.). I don’t like...
  20. Jed

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    :lol: May God shield you both from my loquacity. Yeah Cory, I’ll at least give a guy a good fashion show.😘