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  1. Mick!

    In The News...

    Has he been silenced? He lost his job, thats all. He’s free to say anything he likes, just not on Fox.
  2. Mick!

    In The News...

    Hé doesn’t have to read from a script, he had choices, he was complicit.
  3. Mick!

    In The News...

    Tucker Carlson gets fired, things happening at Fox..
  4. Mick!

    In The News...

    Exactly! People like you who aren’t as talented or successful in life, love a celebrity train wreck. Makes you feel better about your narrow, adventure less, cautious existence. ’look what happens when you take risks, best take none’ Tall poppy syndrome.
  5. Mick!

    In The News...

    It’s not a gun control story in any way, unless you try to make it one. Its a celebrity‘s life going to shit story.
  6. Mick!

    In The News...

    I believe it’s called a human interest story, people can identify with the participants and follow it closely.
  7. Mick!

    In The News...

    Ultimately responsible in what way, legally, morally? According to the reports there is an ‘armourer’ responsible for this sort of thing. A 24 year old on her first film.
  8. Mick!

    In The News...

    Ok thanks. Who would you hold ultimately responsible? (as an armchair quarterback)
  9. Mick!

    In The News...

    Clearly the no no was a yes yes in this case. I read your post a few times Stephen, what you are saying directly contradicts what actually happened (and what happens) in every account of the incident.
  10. Mick!

    In The News...

    Where did you read that? Here’s an account of the incident (posted earlier, but read the whole thing) As for what fool picks up a gun points it at someone and pulls the trigger...
  11. Mick!

    In The News...

    Slavery wasn’t so bad, which is good news for you. Once the global elite reduce the population to 500 million and those that are spared (you being such a hard worker and all will be prime meat) will be slaves for them, you’ll be able to enjoy all those benefits.
  12. Mick!

    In The News...

    What is a more likely scenario is that Baldwin was doing a POV shot towards the camera and the two victims were behind the camera viewing it for angles whatever. But yeah, lets go with Baldwin just picking it up and firing indiscriminately, seems legit.
  13. Mick!

    In The News...

    Seems likely the props man made an error, a big one.
  14. Mick!

    In The News... This is quite the story.
  15. Mick!

    In The News... Its one of the great ‘what ifs?’ A small viking settlement was the first time humanity circled the globe a thousand years ago. What if they succeeded and à diaspora from Europe started 500 years before it did? With the...
  16. Mick!

    In The News...

    In all my disagreements with Treesmith, which have been manifold and will likely continue, I have never called him a c unt, which you have called me twice now. So thanks for the lecture on online civility.
  17. Mick!

    In The News...

    You explained it better than I could, thanks.
  18. Mick!

    In The News...

    Not sure the King was involved, they cut his head off a good while ago now,
  19. Mick!

    In The News...

    Some villages here (like mine) insist on a certain colour tile on any new houses/extensions, others a different style/colour/mix. Some demand a certain colour lime render, approved by the mayor. I don’t think most people object, keeps the style original.
  20. Mick!

    In The News...

    No, it doesn’t come down to ownership. You don’t understand, I’m not surprised.