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  1. Mick!

    In The News...

    Do you believe the story about Zelensky buying yachts?
  2. Mick!

    In The News...

    Do you genuinely believe the story about Zelensky buying yachts?
  3. Mick!

    In The News...

    one might help, the other, not so much..
  4. Mick!

    In The News...

    Thanks guys. You didn’t disappoint.
  5. Mick!

    In The News...

    Out of curiosity, what gun is this?
  6. Mick!

    In The News... The BBC try and examine the explosion to work out who is responsible. The evidence points to a failed rocket from Gaza, though they don’t outright say as much. Hamas would undoubtedly hide the evidence if this is true.
  7. Mick!

    In The News... Article about Fentanyl and the US. Some interesting things I didn’t know. How it was seen as a white only drug but now is taking hold in the black community amongst others.
  8. Mick!

    In The News...

  9. Mick!

    In The News...

    It‘s those cunning British now!
  10. Mick!

    In The News...

    Russian propagandists are (unbelievably) blaming NATO for Prizogzhin‘s death.
  11. Mick!

    In The News...

    I think it was a case of letting him think it was all going to be ok, make him believe he still had a part to play, before snapping the trap shut.
  12. Mick!

    In The News...

    Worked over lots of cast iron spiked fences in London in my younger days. Every time you looked down and saw it it helped to keep your discipline of taking your slack up on your rope that’s for sure
  13. Mick!

    In The News...

    They saying is, ‘buy good quality footwear and a good bed, because if you’re not in one you’re in the other’ Thats how I feel about spending money on spikes.
  14. Mick!

    In The News...

    It’s not so much the religion, more their ‘otherness’ The North Africans here are often an underclass, stuck in publicly provided housing, difficult to get jobs, drugs etc. So periodically this happens, someone gets shot or whatever, then social disorder for a few nights, 99% of the people...
  15. Mick!

    In The News...

    ‘What can we do to distract the public from our disastrous policies at home?’ ’show some riots from another country, exaggerate it a bit, the fools will swallow it whole, that’ll make them feel superior‘ ’sounds like a plan’
  16. Mick!

    In The News...

    The place for discussing politics is here, in the “in the news“ thread. If Max doesn’t want to, that’s absolutely fine. The rest of us can.
  17. Mick!

    In The News... Things really hotting up, and not in a good way for Putin.
  18. Mick!

    In The News...

    It’s inevitable.
  19. Mick!

    In The News...

    It’s been touted widely as some kind of tool of public control by The Moonbats. It’s nothing of the sort of course, just personal vehicle/traffic management. As someone else said, Jewish space lasers pew pew pew!
  20. Mick!

    In The News...

    What’s the old saying. ”A lie is half way round the world before the truth has put his boots on”