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  1. Mick!

    In The News...

  2. Mick!

    In The News...

    Boulder shooting means 102 mass shootings in the US this year so far. Mass shooting means four or more persons injured (not including the shooter)
  3. Mick!

    In The News...

    Genuinely astonished that you think you have ever been fair and balanced.
  4. Mick!

    In The News...

    He is kinda porky, got that fat lower neck thing going on.
  5. Mick!

    In The News...

    ..though one has to wonder why they’d come to this racist, oppressive cesspool.... Don’t expect many are heading to Alabama if they had a choice.
  6. Mick!

    In The News...

    What’s your point?
  7. Mick!

    In The News...

    Yes, it does suck sometimes, it’s the sucky part of it that make the good bits good. Light and shade.
  8. Mick!

    In The News...

    I know you’re being facetious so don’t worry! I did a little bit of googling of that girl and she’s competing in the under 48 kilo category at age 16, now I’m guessing that means she wrestling against pre or very near pre pubescent boys younger than her. A great achievement but if she were to...
  9. Mick!

    In The News...

    They do, it’s called men’s sports, you’re just crap at it!:)
  10. Mick!

    In The News...

    Disagree completely, women’s sports are important and should be kept separate with safeguards to prevent males competing as trans or whatever.
  11. Mick!

    In The News...

    Had never heard of Miner cats, so looked them up. Fantastic little creatures.
  12. Mick!

    In The News...

    He owns the land, ergo he’s the proprietor.
  13. Mick!

    In The News...

    Will do Winner!
  14. Mick!

    In The News...

    Mad as a box of frogs.
  15. Mick!

    In The News...

    Nailed it.
  16. Mick!

    In The News...

    He’s not the only one who thinks it was a hoax. Somebody did some things etc.
  17. Mick!

    In The News...

    This the guy who said Sandy Hook was a hoax?
  18. Mick!

    In The News...

    It’s a ‘go to’ deflection tactic. Bob uses it a lot.
  19. Mick!

    In The News...

    Yes, it’s an embarrassment to Denmark that it’s still allowed.
  20. Mick!

    In The News...

    I’m not really alarmed by that tbh. The crime itself was what shocked me.