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  1. Patrick A

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Almost dead beech. Some lean towards the house. Masdaam and wedges.
  2. Patrick A

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    This week's job with another tree company. It was fun to work with a new to me crew and see other methods and processes. I could get used to contract climbing.
  3. Patrick A

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Today's tulip removal over a house. Warm but dry day.
  4. Patrick A

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Saw this big beech while on my break. If you lay it down, it covers the property it is on and maybe more.
  5. Patrick A

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Some artsy shot while traversing. Big sugar maple that declined quickly due to a driveway surrounding it.
  6. Patrick A

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Part 2 of an oak pictured a week ago. Had to go grab a rogue branch stuck in a nearby maple.
  7. Patrick A

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I literally meant I worked on my tree. Happens once maybe twice a year. Something like "the cobbler always wears the worst shoes".
  8. Patrick A

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Worked for myself today, as in I did not bring any money home and spent some on labor. It was a beautiful day, low 60s, sunny and with no drama.
  9. Patrick A

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    What I learned doing it is to not take too much on the first 4 cuts that make the cant. You can always go back and cut more. it is quite fun to see the octagon take its shape. I am thinking of building a rotisserie type jig so I can make these shapes repeatedly.
  10. Patrick A

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Weird day doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
  11. Patrick A

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Last climb to clear the view. Nice and crisp 50 degree morning. Client likes the new view so much that he wants more clearing on the sides. It will be a good October 2022.
  12. Patrick A

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Nice tall pines to thin and fall foliage. Good day for tree work.
  13. Patrick A

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Some tall pines to thin to provide some view of the hills from the house. First time I ran out of rope on my 200ft DRT setup.
  14. Patrick A

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Another view of yesterday's the walnut job. Let's hear it for the stub left behind.
  15. Patrick A

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    This happened today. Homeowner want this healthy walnut removed. Fun climb and lots of rigging made for a good day.
  16. Patrick A

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Another fun day next to the power lines
  17. Patrick A

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Some limb walking or crawling yesterday. The residential power and cable line were left intact.
  18. Patrick A

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Road, power lines and lean made for a focused afternoon. I thoughy Sunday would see less traffic. It was quite the opposite, everyone with a shitty exhaust was out driving their shitty four cylinder.
  19. Patrick A

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    @SeanKroll Solo-ing is going well and improves after each job. It has its place and takes some specific clients. If there is no rush for stuff being cleaned out, I favor solo. If I feel it is more of an in and out, I try to add crew members. @cory many clients would rather pay for removal of the...
  20. Patrick A

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Worked as a team with a trusted and reliable aspiring climber. The collaboration is opening many more jobs. I am looking forward to sharing the climbing part. I am envisioning a team of 2 capable climbers and a motivated ground person for rigging. This would allow us to not getting burned out...