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  1. gf beranek

    Short bar techniques.

    That was an 056 magnum. A real muscle saw in its day. It had all the power a man would ever need to pull a 36 to 42 inch bar. But its mounts were terribly weak and I spent way too much time replacing them, on the job and at home. The air filter was weak too. That latter model 044 and 066...
  2. gf beranek

    Short bar techniques.

    Squaring a felling cut from two sides is still done a lot here actually. Most the younger fallers use what I call a short bar, 32 inch. And they do have to circumnavigate around the stump when they're in any descent second growth. Which is getting more scarce all the time btw. The third...
  3. gf beranek

    Short bar techniques.

    Even shaving the bark off this one I just barely reached the center from both sides. 36 in bar. Back in 91 in Salmon Creek with John Ciro. I had a couple of broken ribs and after this tree was bucked I called it quits for the day.
  4. gf beranek

    Short bar techniques.

    Even using a 60 inch bar it was still, "short bar techniques" that felled most of those trees.
  5. gf beranek

    Short bar techniques.

    The monster trees were far and few between. 90% of my cutting was in line clearance, back yard trees and second growth. It made for a great combo over the years. Nonetheless I had a bar to match the situation in any one.
  6. gf beranek

    Short bar techniques.

    Minus 25 is too tough for this old trooper.
  7. gf beranek

    Short bar techniques.

    I talking reach through the stump. If I was in the timber you mentioned and had the ground you work on I would size my bar length down to fit the situation too. In my younger days I could maybe be your match. Ha Most my career in the second growth a 36 to 42 inch bar length would not clear...
  8. gf beranek

    Short bar techniques.

    Since meeting so many Euro-fallers I have come to the conclusion that they take pride, and a sort of one-up-man-ship, in falling the biggest trees they can with the shortest bar possible. Bravo! It's fun to prove a point that it can be done, but why go through all the toruble when a few inches...
  9. gf beranek

    Short bar techniques.

    Short bar felling techniques are to be admired. But to me it's too much buzz sawing and running around to fall a tree when just a few more inches of bar length could do the job more easily. To each their own.
  10. gf beranek

    Short bar techniques.

    The European sawyers are masters of short bar felling techniques.