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  1. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    Lot of the best are, it seems. Just to stay in the Irish genre, Sean MacGowan isn't too sane either, but man, can he sing.
  2. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    Bummer! That was a nice place.
  3. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    Yup, but noneless, if you look at Bushmen, or other untouched natural tribes, they usually bow out at about 40. We have gotten used to people getting to 90+, but that ain't natures way at all.
  4. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    No, it is pretty normal. We weren't meant to be much more than 40 years old. Anything beyond that is a gift. Smoke, drink heavily or be obese, that gift ain't for you.
  5. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    Just to get back on topic, Clare Hollingsworth is no longer with us. Her most famous quote: 'I must admit I enjoy being in a war. I don’t know why. I’m not brave’
  6. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    Because they eat the poor cute gray whales?
  7. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    Nice one, Butch. Nice answer, too.
  8. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    I'm not talking about boxing, only. You, of all people, should applaud him for " Having no quarrel against those Vietcong" ( By memory so please excuse me if not 100% correct). For him to do that required great courage, i think. I still can't understand why that lead to him having his world...
  9. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    Well, I hate to say it, but the way he ended up with Parkinson's, death was probably a relief for him. To me, he really was " The greatest" and always will be.
  10. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    A complete bitch and the driving force behind ol' Ronald. Her "Just say NO" campaign is the main reason America is the world leader in having the largest percentage of the population in prison. If she had been run over by a truck when she was young, the world would have been a better place.
  11. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    As a long time dog owner and lover, I know exactly how you feel. I'm really sorry for you.
  12. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    Bin dead for a long time IMO.
  13. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    Yep, you are right.
  14. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    All registered hunters are required to send in the numbers of game they have killed when applying for next years license. It is a good way too keep track of how different kind of game are doing. The numbers for field hare and quail ( Perdix perdix) have been declining steadily the last 2...
  15. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    Shooting a "canned" lion in Africa is no differentf rom shooting pheasants in Europe. In both cases the animals were bred and raised for the purpose of being somebody's trophy. 917,000 pheasants went that way last year in Denmark alone. They estimate that 3-4 Danish hunters go to Africa each...
  16. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    No but the balls out stuff in town sure does. Most people here live in towns, so that is where they ride. All the frigging hipsters on their frigging cafe racers. Jim, are you familiar with the concept "Town"? A large bunch of houses and people who for inexplicable reasons voluntarily choose...
  17. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    I would say that depends on how you ride. Puttering along on a cruiser isn't all that dangerous, but riding fast and exploring the edge of the envelope all the time sure is. I've slowed down a lot since I got married.
  18. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    That is an easy fix. When asked by students what it takes to get really good at karate, my answer is always: " Get your tubes tied" None of my masters have had kids. Hard to do a full time job and become proficient at a martial art, while having kids at the same time.
  19. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    So we should all give up treework? Actually I get your point, but most of us here work in an environment where death is always lurking. I'll bet most of us have been in work situations where only our quick thinking and experience has saved us.
  20. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    "Death is the mother of beauty"