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  1. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    So there are 2 deadheads in Scandinavia. Right on.
  2. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    Yep. Bet you were left cold, when Mozart died, too.;)
  3. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    I was a Deadhead. Still am, in part of what passes for my soul. It isn't something you ever really grow out of. I got the news yesterday and had my private wake for him, sitting up till late and listening to his songs on youtube.
  4. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    Butch, I have that poster in my mind. All the years I hitchhiked around the Globe, I was super carefull when picking places to put my tent. I never could get that " getting beat to death by rednecks" scene out of my head.
  5. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    Once again, I don't get you?
  6. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    Niki Lauda Died yesterday. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  7. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    You can pity the hell out of me, then. Made it about ½ minute into that and ALL I could think about was how nice it would feel to break that asshole's jaw. In about 4 places.
  8. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    Put me in mind of the Scott polar expedition: "I am just going outside and may be some time"
  9. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    I've never owned a television, grew up without one, in fact and living in the country, rarely went to the cinema. So I have, what I suppose, some would call a cultural gap. Just to shock you, I have never seen Star wars either.
  10. stig

    The RIP Thread...

  11. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    I did Google it. That is when I realized I wouldn't have known him if he was Danish.
  12. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    When a post like this comes up, and I simply don't know who the person is, it always makes me feel bad, because I try to keep up with things American. Then I usually realize, that I wouldn't have known, had he been Danish.
  13. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    Well, we still haven't determined if you are actually human, so let us start with that.
  14. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    For men ,yes.
  15. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    He had a rich mental/inner life would be my guess. With a brain like that, who needs a functioning body.
  16. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    Pavarotti's voice never did anything for me. But then, that is true of most male opera singers. I always preferred the females. The coloratura sopranes most of all ( since we are in the crazy as a shithouse rat section, anyway). Edda Moser is my favourite, at least when it comes to Mozart. Der...
  17. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    OK! Got ya.
  18. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    " Not especially talented"? He has written and song some absolutely brilliant songs. I think you stand pretty much alone with that statement, Mick.
  19. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    Not hardly: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  20. stig

    The RIP Thread...

    FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFuck! Shane MacGowan. Man, the names of all those potato eaters sound the same. I'll go beat my head against the wall now!