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  1. Tarzan

    How'd it go today?

    Strong back...weak mind
  2. Tarzan

    How'd it go today?

    Either of youins. Just my past life I was going to be a shoer of horses. Apprenticed for a year and went to the school in Bozeman. Was at a crossroads on wether I wanted to be a tree climber or a horse shoer.
  3. Tarzan

    Chip box build ?

    Thanks. Fumes suck, and was my biggest concern for this setup, but have not smelled nary a one.
  4. Tarzan

    How'd it go today?

    Do you guys shoe, or trim your own, or hire it out?
  5. Tarzan

    In The News...

    At least that cull went after military folks, instead of unsuspecting civilians.
  6. Tarzan

    Chip box build ?

    I had mine built like a regular tailgate, and it works fine. I can open when hooked to chipper, just can't leave it down if I want to move. I had it built this way because I had a winch line coming out the back of my box for loading logs, and I wanted the tailgate to cover the ass end of my...
  7. Tarzan

    How'd it go today?

    They're a nuisance here pard. I am sure they will be there soon enough.
  8. Tarzan

    In The News...

    Somehow the drunken cull story just doesn't stick in my craw as bad as this story:
  9. Tarzan

    Kids .22

    I am saving the Henry that I got for my kids, for grandkids:)
  10. Tarzan

    In The News...

    I don't know much about any of it, having never done it, so I guess I was throwing meth in the ring with heroin. I don't buy any of the bullshit when they say drug fueled attacks, it's still the druggies fault, by god.
  11. Tarzan

    In The News...

    Kinda what I was thinking too. Trouble is, all the bullshit they do to innocent people in the process. We had a tweaker roll through here last christmas that stabbed two, little old lady's, killing one. And that was after he stabbed and killed his elderly landlord in eastern MT.
  12. Tarzan

    In The News...

    Sorry to hear Jim. The smug look on that dushbags face in one article I read...cowardly sumbitch. That drug article is sad. Goes to show why we had the largest heroin bust ever, recently in the Bitteroot Valley.
  13. Tarzan

    Tree felling vids

    Nice...old growth fir, by god.
  14. Tarzan

    Kids .22

    From the pic it looks like a 22 winchester that an old man gave me when I was a kid, that he got when he was a that old gun.
  15. Tarzan

    How'd it go today?

    Hangovers...a good reminder of why we say "never again" again :) August, I don't see how that cull could have gotten my card number, but I sure thought how coincidental it was.
  16. Tarzan

    How'd it go today?

    I have been getting a lot of those texts lately. I just delete them now, but a while back I decided to play: I had already gotten a text like this before from another cull, but when I looked up the address on google earth, it didn't even have any trees. That's why I decided to mess with...
  17. Tarzan

    Tree felling vids

    Salvage any decent logs out of that Willy? Also, was wondering if that was pavement you were falling it across?
  18. Tarzan

    Kids .22

    Is that top gun a winchester?
  19. Tarzan

    Kids .22

    Yes, I miss those days of being able to plink a whole brick away in one afternoon. Around here, last I checked, it was 8-12 cents per round. Not cheap enough for me to go plinking with the 10/22
  20. Tarzan

    Kids .22

    I bought my kids a henry mini bolt when they were little...when ammo was cheap. I would think about a pellet gun. My wife gave me a pretty sweet break barrel for christmas that I need to get a scope for, and sight in so I can kill the gophers that are slowly infiltrating us. It might be kind...