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  1. Tarzan

    Tree felling vids

    Exactly! You got me there. I think it was just a few comments back that I was saying I was born to do this work. I have to admit though, that it makes me greedy when I can make money of my silly youtube channel...obviously I don't know much about making movies, and don't really care's...
  2. Tarzan

    Tree felling vids

    I catch myself talking to myself all the time :) It used to bug me, but now I just let flow, and me and myself share some fun times.
  3. Tarzan

    Tree felling vids

    He must be, because, he sure has a helluva following on youtube. I probably wouldn't have to work if my channel had that many views. A smooth talker that is. Sorry, I obviously don't know how to post very well on here.
  4. Tarzan

    Tree felling vids

    Yeah, that guy should probably stick to gardening and homesteading.
  5. Tarzan

    Tree felling vids

    By god! <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> I felt like a little kid when I installed that! It is a recording of the real Johnny Weissmuller, and when I found that horn online, I decided to look him up, and...
  6. Tarzan

    Tree felling vids

    Hear, Hear!
  7. Tarzan

    Tree felling vids

    Thanks Man, that means a lot coming from you :)
  8. Tarzan

    Tree felling vids

    That's funny! A few years ago, when I was not so busy, I cared a lot more about what my clients, not so much. I know that could all change, but the clients that like me, seem to like my "unique" characteristics as well...those are the ones that appreciate my tarzan horn on my...
  9. Tarzan

    Tree felling vids

    I figure I am doing what I was born to do, and when it's something, even taking a small little top, but usually the toughest part of the job is over, I am glad for no mishaps, and feel like lettin out a whoop, no matter if anyone is there to hear it, because it is my moment. Like I said, a "Yee...
  10. Tarzan

    Tree felling vids

    It used to drive me crazy when I was lifting weights in a public weight room and some "muscle head" would be grunting and bellering like a cave man...til I started doing it :) It just makes things funner that way!
  11. Tarzan

    Tree felling vids

    Like I said, I do it a lot, and it is something I do every day, I just get excited when I do it because it is so much fun, and it doesn't matter if somebody is watching or not...I do it for my own enjoyment, and hope that the excitement of topping a tree never stops. I used to let out a whoop...
  12. Tarzan

    Looking for opinions/suggestions about my first mini skid

    Sean, I was planning on wood, so hopefully that will help. Willie, I found your thread Yesterday, and it was helpful...thanks!
  13. Tarzan

    Tree felling vids

    BTW, Mike Poors crane is badass! I have serious equipment envy!
  14. Tarzan

    Tree felling vids

    I holler like that when I top...but I ain't nowheres near as dipshit as that guy! I grew up around cowboys, brother was a bull rider and bareback rider, cousin was a bull rider, grandad was an old cowboy, so I guess I just feel like I have to do it when I top!
  15. Tarzan

    Looking for opinions/suggestions about my first mini skid

    Sean, did you fab your stand?
  16. Tarzan

    Looking for opinions/suggestions about my first mini skid

    Now you tell me...I don't know if I have room for that, but I am thinking the channel might have some flex in it...the piece that is crossing the back of the mini.
  17. Tarzan

    Looking for opinions/suggestions about my first mini skid

    Started building a platform today...all out of my neighbors scrap bin :) I will hopefully finish er up tomorry! Still have to finish welding and some trimming and figure out something for a deck.
  18. Tarzan

    Looking for opinions/suggestions about my first mini skid

    It is vintage, and has lot's of quirks, like me! I will be fabbing a platform for it soon. Thanks for your input.
  19. Tarzan

    I live in Florence. If you ever come this way and want to get together for a beer and bs, let...

    I live in Florence. If you ever come this way and want to get together for a beer and bs, let me know :)
  20. Tarzan

    Looking for opinions/suggestions about my first mini skid

    Great info from you guys, thanks! Carl, you dissin' my chipper? By god that is a fine specimen of a chipper! :) No seriously, after hanging out with my neighbor/welder, I don't think I will be fabbing anything on my chipper. I think I will be fabbing up something to stand on, and a way to...