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  1. SkwerI

    How'd it go today?

    I accidentally took two days of medicine this morning. Took my daily pills and then an hour later I forgot and took another daily dose, thinking today was Friday. Then later on the job I was getting light headed and dizzy. I made it through ok but I really hate getting old and dependent on daily...
  2. SkwerI

    How'd it go today?

    Sucks. Looks like a water pump possibly? Radiator or hose leaks are more towards the front of the engine.
  3. SkwerI

    How'd it go today?

    That's my kind of fire, Rich. Alas, I probably won't have any more here. Too many neighbors complaining of ash on their cars. I simply do not have enough land to burn effectively without imposing on others.
  4. SkwerI

    How'd it go today?

    Same here. ChipDrop is awesome.
  5. SkwerI

    How'd it go today?

    My fires last 3-4 days. I use my biggest, fattest logs as my perimeter barricade so they can dry out and partially burn as the fire progresses. Then as I run out of material I start putting the perimeter logs on top of the fire. My last fire burned for 8 days.
  6. SkwerI

    How'd it go today?

    That's not a fire. Here's tonight's fire (not very big).
  7. SkwerI

    How'd it go today?

    So are you just going to leave us hanging? No need to tease. I just hope it isn't too offensive.
  8. SkwerI

    How'd it go today?

    Around here that's referred to as the 'Mexican Chipper'. Juan with a chainsaw in the dump trailer.
  9. SkwerI

    How'd it go today?

    Tom D is a giant douchebag. I met him in Baltimore at the arbor expo back in 2002 I believe. He's worse in person than he is online.
  10. SkwerI

    How'd it go today?

    About 3 years ago Carl closed down one sub forum completely because he didn't like all the political arguments. If you will notice no one has been able to make a post in that sub forum since 2020.
  11. SkwerI

    How'd it go today?

    Same here between my house, loader, insurance (pickup, work truck, business, liability) and old debt payments. Plus living expenses like food and utilities.
  12. SkwerI

    How'd it go today?

    Just cover your new payment every month and that machine will pay for itself and more in short order.
  13. SkwerI

    How'd it go today?

    I ran into the same issue when I bought my F450 a couple months ago. Been slow as hell, and just as slow for my buddy who bought my old truck. I needed the old truck money for the new truck! I've had a couple good weeks here and there, but this year has sucked overall.
  14. SkwerI

    How'd it go today?

    Little Wonder products have been around for decades. Usually pretty solid equipment. Rarely see them for sale in stores, mostly see them in rental stores.
  15. SkwerI

    How'd it go today?

    Also I went out this morning to help finish up the job. I cut down the remaining spar, loaded it and all the other wood into the dump trailer and raked up. The boss showed up about 9:30 and we were done about 10am. Was spooky cleaning up an accident scene like that. Found a hat from Lake County...
  16. SkwerI

    How'd it go today?

    At one point somebody said he may have been pulling his lifeline out of another tree, but I cannot confirm that. I wasn't there and neither was the person who told me that.
  17. SkwerI

    How'd it go today?

    Update on the climber who got hurt yesterday falling off the 12' spar. It seems after he made his cut and pushed the chunk off, his lanyard came up over the top of the spar. He fractured 3 vertebrae and 4 ribs. One of the fire/rescue people forgot their hat on the job. It's going to the climber...
  18. SkwerI

    How'd it go today?

    Check Craigslist. Trailer wheels are common sizes, easy to find a lightly used spare for next to nothing. Who cares if the wheel doesn't match exactly?
  19. SkwerI

    How'd it go today?

    More info, he was blocking down the trunk on a tree he had just removed over a driveway. He was only about 11-12' up. Chunked off a log and then as he was removing his lifeline from another tree his flipline slipped over the top of the spar.
  20. SkwerI

    How'd it go today?

    A sad day today. Yesterday I worked with a crew for only the second time. The climber really impressed me with his speed, skill and stamina. We did 7 removals with a crane and had about 100 yards of debris, all finished by 3:00. As he was packing up his gear I complimented him on the fine job he...