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  1. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    There's a property near the office that was being turned into a subdivision, and the old house site(house gone) had flowers that went feral. I dug up the snowdrops, Siberian squill, and some daffodils and planted them at my house, and also various places around the farm. The snowdrops will...
  2. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    Snowdrops are up. These are the most developed on my property due to high sun exposure. Others are in various stages. Another three weeks I think for Siberian squill.
  3. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    Hit the US too. I think it was in the 50s?
  4. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    That's a pretty stretch of road.
  5. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    Do you do anything with the berries? Wikipedia says they aren't great to eat as-is, but can be cooked apart to make stuff.
  6. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    I wish my yard grew Defenders.
  7. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    Mine finished about three weeks ago.
  8. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    Those Danes have a word for everything.
  9. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    My new white azalea bush might have died due to lack of water. I'm hoping it perks up after the rain we've had. It bloomed spectacularly this spring, but then the water stopped, and watering plants isn't a concern I generally have. Looked pretty crispy last weekend. I'll check it this week when...
  10. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    Way off topic, but since you're here, what's the best brand of kvass? I wanted to try some, so I got on amazon. I didn't know what to get, so I went with Ochakovskiy. I like it a good bit. It's kinda like malta, but not as sweet. Did I do good, or are there better brands?
  11. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    Know what's funny? I read your text, then the pic in your last post loaded, so that was what I was looking at after reading. I thought "She looks just like you!" :^D :^P
  12. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    Fleabane... I left the sawdust after cutting up the oak, and it killed the grass plants. Been letting it grow up so it goes to seed. I like having them there. I usually mow around the wildflowers that come up, but never left them this long. I think I'll do it every year, regardless of plant...
  13. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    Here's my 99% dead weeping cherry. It'll stay as long as it gets green in the spring... Closer up of the trunk... Here's the weeping cherry by the road... Birds planted that one. Not the best angle. It's especially dramatic when you're driving up the road. Line guys keep friggin' with...
  14. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    It's some kind of weed. That's in the back 40(inches :^P) of my property. I keep all that fairly rugged. The back neighbors let that part of their property grow up. It's basically like a woods edge for ~30'. Suits me aside from the vines. They use the little stuff as a scaffold off-property...
  15. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    Looks like my Siberian squill made it... Pretty subtle, and not much to look at atm, but it should spread over time. Daffy Dils are pretty much fully out. This particular group is fairly ancient. They predate the subdivision, and used to be next to the drive that's no longer here. The...
  16. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    Here's some snowdrops, with daffodils poking up in the bottom right... Some more snowdrops...
  17. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    My snowdrops have been up for awhile. Daffodils are popping up, but not big enough for flowers yet. The Siberian squill I planted last year is AWOL. I might have one clump coming up, but I'm not sure. Kinda forgot where I put everything.