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  1. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    That rock formation is pretty cool.
  2. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    Holly. It doesn't look like much, but they smell fantastic.
  3. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    Yea, that could be. The one at work gets blasted with sun most of the day, and the one at home gets full morning sun, but not so much in the afternoon.
  4. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    That's really late compared to the two I found. I have one at my house and the other at the office. Both bloomed at the end of March.
  5. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    That's cool looking. What kind of locust?
  6. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    Black locust Honeysuckle Cherry
  7. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    Fleabane! Nothing real exciting, but they're kinda pretty. I let the hill in back growup til they're finished blooming. I also spread wildflower seed sawdust on the hill. No flowers or trees yet :^D Also star of Bethlehem. It's an invasive, but kind of neat. I had a friend that used to dig...
  8. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    That yellow's intense. Pretty flowers.
  9. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    I saw this in my backyard yesterday when I was planting the blueberries... It's apparently fig buttercup; an invasive species, and illegal to sell in MD. I suppose I should dig it up. I don't want it screwing up the other flowers I planted.
  10. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    My sad weeping cherry... I don't like to even look at it too long cause I'm afraid it'll push it over. There's one slender column hanging on for dear life. The tree will stay til it quits getting green in the spring. Not much to it anymore, but it still gets pretty flowers.
  11. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    The pale yellow(almost white) is what really attracted me to those. Almost all the ones I have are bright bold yellow. I have some pale ones under the maple tree, but it's a small clump. I want to get some variety in the yard.
  12. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    I saw these lovlies today... I wanted to take them with me, but I couldn't get a shovel in the ground. Too many rocks and roots. I'd have destroyed them. I got a nearby clump that wasn't as nice looking. It was a rough extraction, but I think they're ok. I like taking a whole plug out, so...
  13. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    Good call! Maybe I never did figure out what it was, cause that name isn't familiar in this context. Most of what I found that time were various viburnum species. I also got a boxwood I planted on the farm, and a forsythia I took home.
  14. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    I don't think it's azalea. It's got mahogany colored leaves that persist through winter. I found a Delaware white azalea also that year. It had an explosion of blooms, and then we had that nasty hot dry spell, and it died. Kinda pisses me off. I've generally had a Darwinist approach to plant...
  15. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    This is the bush I found a couple years ago. I looked it up at the time, but I forget what it's called...
  16. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    Found this guy today. Need to find a place for it in the yard...
  17. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    Siberian squill at the office...
  18. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    I've seen pics of desert flower events. Looks cool to me, but I bet it's really special when you live there. Going from shades of tan most of the year to an explosion of color. That's the kind of stuff I'd take off work to look at.
  19. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    Snowdrops... They're way early. There should be a law that you have to have snow before you can get snowdrops :^S
  20. lxskllr

    Whats blooming?

    After posting, I was thinking "grinding" the top might work well. Feather the bar over the top, and shave it out. It works very well with spruce, but maybe not with harder wood.